Sunday 31 July 2011


I love having my window open at night and falling alseep to the sound of the wind blowing


So my parents are taking off tomorrow morning until Friday and takingmy brother with them and honestly, even though I work every night except Tuesday, I couldn't be happier !!!!
Even though most nights their gone, I don't get off work till 10:30, I'm going to make plans to hang out with people for when I get off. I don't even care if I don't get home until 3 in the morning !! I'm so excited to hang out with people and not worry about waking up my mom when I get home at night !!
I just hope that my friends don't bail on me and that they are able to all chill with me

Dead and Alive

I noticed that at work when we don't have a lot of customers in the store, we say that it's really dead
But when it's really busy, no one ever says, "It's really alive at Sobeys today."


I had 9 people ask if we sold cigerettes at customer service today!
Like really people?? It's been over 2 years since we stopped selling them. You'd think people would have figured it out by this point

Work Printer

My printer just had a seizure

My home

I live at Sobeys....Andreea is my room mate !!
Legit, we've closed together the last 3 nights in a row


If you look up Attractive in the dictonary, this picture is next to it


Is it weird that I'm already palnning what I want to be for halloween??
  1. Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse
  2. Batman
  3. Angel
  4. Charlie Brown
I don't even know what I'm doing for Halloween yet !!! It's not even August !!!

Girls Night!!

List of stuff I need for my Girls Night with Michela <3
  • Vodka!
  • Margertia Mix
  • Chick Flicks
  • Junk food
  • Shot glasses
  • Camera
Will think of more later !! Should be a good night =)

This is legit how bored I am right now

1.This is seriously going to get personal, you ready?
So ready!!
2.If you were caught cheating, would you fess up?
I can honestly say that I would never ever cheat on someone
3. The last time you felt honestly broken?
A couple of days ago when I was upset about everything and nothing was going right
4.Are you craving something?
5.If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Someone to go on a walk with me
6.Would you rather have ten kids, or none?
7.What do you hear right now?
Faith Hill
8.Is your bed against more than one of your walls?
Yes it's against one wall the long way and then the headboard is on another wall
9.What’s on your mind right now?
My Girls night with Michela on Tuesday
10.Are you there for your friends?
I try to be there for them as much as I can
11.Last person to see you cry?
12.What do you do when you get nervous?
Bite my cheek and lip
13.Be honest, do you like people in general?
14.How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?
15.Does anyone completely understand you?
I don't think so. I think Kate is truely the person who has gotten the close though
16.Do you have a reason to smile right now?
My parents are leaving tomorrow till Friday !!
17.Has anyone told you they don’t ever wanna lose you?
Yep...they lied
18.Would you be happier if life had a rewind button?
19.Do you tell your mum or dad everything?
Hell no. The only person I tell EVERYTHING too is my stuffie
20.Does it matter to you if your boyfriend or girlfriend smokes?
A little
22.Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone?
I don't think so. I have no boys in my life right now, if I did then he'd be the next person to hurt me
23.This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
I think so
24.Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
I tend to think about the past a lot and fantasize about the future
25.How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Probably 5 at the most
26.Are you easy to get along with?
I'd like to think that I am
27.Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?
Kate??? NO WAY !!! But that was over text. If in person then yes I really do
28.What was the last drink that you put in your mouth?
29.What size bed do you have?
30.Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in?
Before i get in.....what the heck kinda question is that???
31.Do you like the rain?
LOVE IT!! Unless I'm walking to work
32.Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Depends on how they are thinking about me
33.Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do?
I have =(
34.Would people refer to you as a goodie goodie, bad news, or neither?
Probably a goodie goodie
35.Who were you last in the car with, besides family?
Tayler and Kate
36.What’s the last movie you saw in theaters and with who?
Harry Potter 7 pt 2 with Kate, Nicole and Kaitlynn
37.Have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/ girlfriend?
38.Have you ever been hurt by someone you never thought would hurt you?
39.Your parents are out of town. Would you throw a massive party?
My idea of a party is having like 5 friends over to watch a movie and maybe have a few drinks
40.Do you regret a past relationship?
Nope, I don't believe in regrets
41.Would you rather spend a Friday night at a concert or a crazy party?
Depends who's playing at the concret and who would come with me, or who is all going to the party and how drunk I'm allowed to get
42.Do you tend to fall for the same type of person over and over?
I don't really know what my type is
43.Have you made a joke about somebody that made them cry?
I sure hope not
44.Do you care too much about your appearance?
Not at all.
45.Are you a jealous person?
46.Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
I haven't bought anything in the last little while since I got back from my trip
47.Do you miss anyone?
I always miss people when I'm not with them
48.Last person who made you cry?
My mom
49.Does your ex piss you off?
Not really unless he's getting mad at me for something that's not my fault
50.What are you doing tomorrow?
Working =(
51.Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/ girlfriend every week?
No way!!
52.Is there anyone you want to come see you?
Anyone right now. I'm so bored it's not even funny
53.Have you ever been cheated on?
54.Ever given your all to someone who walked away?
55.Do you like cotton candy?
56.Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with?
Probably Kate or Auntie Sandy
57.Are you planning to get knocked up or knock someone up by age 17?
Well I'm already 18 so I guess I can't anymore
58.Do you have siblings?
2, older sister, younger brother
59.Have you ever fallen asleep on someone?
60.How has the past week been for you?
I've been working like mad, and I got my wisdom teeth out. If I hadn't hung out with Nicole and Kate a couple of nights ago, I would offically have no life at all and it would have totally sucked
61.Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
I used to have one but he doesn't talk to me anymore. Other then that, maybe Brett
62.What’s on your mind right now?
Didn't you ask me this question already??? My answer now is going to Disneyland with Kate next year
63.What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching 16 and pregnant
64.What is your current mood?
Not wanting to go to work in 3 hours
65.Who was the first person you talked to today?
66.Will this week be a good one?
Minus the fact that I'm working almost everyday, yes, cause my parents are going away with my brother so it's gunna be just me and my sister. I also get paid this week and Michela is coming over on Tuesday for a Girls Night
67.Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy?
Stampede with Cassidy, Nicole's surprise birthday dinner
68.Who were you with last night?
Lucy and Angel
69.Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Nope. No one loves me that much
70.Next time you will kiss someone?
Next time? When is this next time you speak of??
71.Who should start the kiss, the girl or the boy?
72.Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Office Quotes

Erin: It's a Cafe Disco!
Michael: Yes! Exactly!
Kevin: So it's like a Disco cafe?
Michael: What? No, not even close.

Dwight: Ugh! I'm so mad that Pam got hurt! AHHH *kicks volleyball* I'll get it *walks slowly*

David: Come on Dwight, throw in the subs
Dwight: Okay, but how many people need to get hurt today for us to learn a lesson? 1? 2? 3? 4?
David: Dwight?
Dwight: No, please hear me out. 5? 6? 7?
David: Dwight?
Dwight: Wait, let me finish. 8? 9?

Jim: Oh, I'm sorry, is this a working office and not a French beach?

Michael: Everyone Christmas is cancelled
Stanley: You can't cancel Christmas it's a holiday
Michael: Keep it up Stanley and I'm taking away New Years
Stanley: What does that mean?
Michael: Jim take New Years away from Stanley

Michael: You know what Stanley why don't you just go sit at the back of the bus
Stanley: Excuse me?
Michael: Or the front of the bus, or drive the bus, I don't care

Michael: Oh TMI TMI
Michael Head shot: TMI Too much information! I used to say don't go there, but that was lame

Dwight: Dammit Jim!
Michael: What is it?
Dwight: He put my stuff in jello again

Michael: Has someone ever come up to you and told you that you're not creative?
Dwight: Yes

Creativity never sleeps

This photo was taken by Kent Phillips at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World at 4 in the morning when he couldn't sleep!

Peter's drive in

I REALLY need to go get a milkshake from Peter's drive in before the summer is over !!
Any volunteers to come along??

Sobeys: The Musical

So at work last night, Andreea and I decided that we are going to write a musical called SOBEYS: The Musical!
It'll be epic, it'll start with a person at the till
beep beep beep beep have a good day beep beep beep beep!
Then people will come buy with umbrellas and the first musical number will begin with rhythmic beeping!
Marc is going to be the nice supervisor who defeats the big bad supervisor in the end with a cucumber !
Start ordering tickets now! It's gunna be huge !!


Dear customer at Sobeys, do you really need to bring along the entire population of China to buy two boxes of cereal?

Saturday 30 July 2011

Small things

I don't think you realized this but I was actually touched when you came up to me today at work and asked me if I was feeling better after getting my wisdom teeth out. It's times like that when I'm super happy you're still apart of my life.

Second job

I'm super excited cause tomorrow is the first day I get to work with my dad on the house =)

Little smiles

Little things in my room that make me smile
  1. My Lucy
  2. A map of Disneyland I tapped on my wall
  3. My Pepperdog Angel stuffie
  4. My Disney movie collection
  5. Picture frames from Grad and the West Coast
  6. Pepperdog's collar

Bitchy customers

So at work if a customer pays with MasterCard, they have the option to swipe it, tap or insert on the pinpad
And if the customer is lazy and actually gives me their credit card, I will tap it cause it's the fastest. When it taps, the customer doesn't have to put in their pin and they don't have to sign.
So this woman comes through my till today and gives ME her MasterCard. So I'm going to do with it what I want to which is tap it cause it's a lot easier.
So I go and tap it, and then this women FLIPPS shit at me cause she doesn't want ME to tap it!! She's like "I want control over my pin number!" And then complains to my supervisor that I didn't ask her how to out through her MasterCard!!
Like F off women !!! If you want to put it through so that you can put in your pin, then don't give me your damn card and put it through yourself !!
God I hate people sometimes !! Like Jesus !!


Andreea: Bagging is like Tetris...AND I'M GOOD AT TETRIS !!!


"They're Twitterbated!"

Friday 29 July 2011

Swollen Face

It's been almost 3 days since I got my wisdom teeth out and my face has not swollen up yet!!
Don't quite understand why but I'm totally not complaining


Life is not about being perfect.
It's about being imperfect in your own perfect way

Ice Cream addicts Annoyomus.

You know you're addicted to ice cream when you go into Sobeys with the ice cream cone you got at Costco
And buy two more tubs of ice cream

Done with my so called "Friends"

It's nice to know how people truely felt about one person in my life cuse as soon as hes not in my life anymore, all the friends I had suddenly want nothing to do with me.
They disrespect me and ignore me.
Is it because I was a bitch and you never actually wanted me around? Is it because you only put up with me because of him? Or what?
There has to be a reason why suddenly you wanted nothing to do with me anymore when I did nothing but try to keep our friendship.
Some people just aren't worth it anymore and I'm done trying to stay friends with people who could care less about me.

No sleep last night

Went to bed early last night cause I wasn't feeling good
Woke up at 2 in the morning with my face hurting SOO bad I couldn't even stand it!
I took my meds and laid in bed for 3 hours with ice on my mouth!
Finally fell back asleep at 6 and woke up at 8 when a f ing Private caller called for my mom
Couldn't fall back asleep after that
Save to say I am extremely tired and it's not going to be fun at work today

Thursday 28 July 2011

Nicole's age

So yesterday was Nicole's 18th birthday and Kate and I went over to spend the night and we watched quite a few movies including Quest for Camelot

Movie: *Kaylay grows up*
Nicole: Now she's old
Jodey: She's 18
Nicole: OLD.....oh wait...

Wisdom teeth...aftermath

So after I got my wisdom teeth out
  1. My bottom lip, tounge and jaw were so frozen I could barely talk
  2. My gums bled for at least 4 hours after I got home
  3. I was trying to eat and I thought my lip was bread
  4. I couldn't tell if I had actually put lip chap on or if it was on my chin

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Silly Plans

*Over text*
Jodey: Ugh I don't wanna get my wisdom teeth out!
Kate: Well U have to go to the univeristy today to pay for my classes. I really don't wanna do that
Jodey: Well why don't you go get my wisdom teeth out for me and I'll go to the university That way we can both go out tonight cause I won't be getting my wisdom teeth out and you won't be in pain cause they're not your teeth!!
Kate: Brillant !!

Wisdom Teeth

Okay, so my question is, Who the F!! invented Wisdom teeth!?
Who was sitting there so bored out of their mind that they thought,
"HEY I'm going to stick these 4 teeth in people's mouths that serve no purpose whatsoever and one day they'll pop through the gums and if you don't get them out, it'll screw up all your teeth!"
Who??? Who did this??

Everything happens for a reason

I didn't get a job at my favourite place in the world
Now no matter how hard I try I can't get a job anywhere else
I lost my best friend in the whole world without even getting to say Good bye
My diploma marks were no where as good as I was hoping for
Every guy I've liked this year had totally screwed me over and made me feel like shit and a loser

People keep telling me to believe that everything happens for a reason
But could someone PLEASE tell me the reason why I can't name three good things that have happened to me this year???

How I feel about this place

I can honestly barly stand this place anymore!
I'm so sick of how everyone here treats me!
I've been here a lot longer then most of you so I think I deserve a little respect and not the shitty way I am treated on a daily basis no matter how hard I try.
I hate that the people who used to be my friends suddenly act like I don't exist and they only speak to me if they need something from me.
I can't wait to get out of this place and go somewhere where I'm treated with the little bit of respect I ask for. I really don't think that's asking to much

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Room Update

I hung up my Walt Disney plaque and found places for my last 2 picture frames
After months and months, I am offically moved back in to my own bedroom

SPC Card

So the bank sent me a free SPC card
No big deal kinda excited that I got one
but I'm not a student anymore....good job bank


Dear toaster
Please toast my toast =P
Thank you

Room Update: Last night & Almost done

Finally have everything back in and organized !! Minus the one window sill !

My new dresser. I'm hoping to get a TV in the blank spot there so I can watch movies all hours of the night

My bed and some of my books and picture frames

My sleves and closet !!

Room Update Two nights ago

I fianlly have started to move my things out of the guest room and back into my room. Now comes the time to figure out where everything goes

My closet....already a mess and my sleves...totally blank

Room Update

 This was my room two days ago, my dad is finally painting it !!

 No more pink whatsoever !

My new dresser kinda there now =)

My Cousin Tashie

*We go to my Mama and Papa's house this morning and go into the garden where my Mama is gardening and there's a random man painting the house*
Tashie: *Sees painter* Mama, why you get a new Papa??

I kinda love that child

Monday 25 July 2011

Room Update

My room is finally painted and I have most of my stuff moved back in!
I got to sleep in my own bed for the first time in over 3 months!!
Now comes the process of organizing all my things back into my room
I have no idea how all my books used to fit on my sleves.
I know they used too but I can't seem to figure out exactly how I had it


"I know! I'll turn him into a flea!
A harmless little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box and then I'll put that box inside another box and then I'll mail that box to myself and when it arrives

Kayley + Garrett

Quest for Camelot
Kayley + Garrett

Kayley: [coming to step in front of him as she speaks] Why won't you look at me when I'm talking to you?... Oh. Oh, I didn't realize you were... 
Garrett: What? Tall? Rugged? Handsome? 
Kayley: Blind. Garrett: ...You know, I always forget that one

Kayley: Are you *sure* this is dragon country? I mean, shouldn't there be a sign or something? It could say, 'Welcome to Dragon Country.'... You don't think we'll *see* any... do you?... Is a group of dragons a pack or a flock? Is it a gaggle or a pride? Is it a herd? 
Garrett: Quiet. 
Kayley: Do you hear something? Garrett: No, I just want you to be quiet.

Kayley: Please... Don't die. 
[She places the healing plant on his side
Kayley: I can't do this on my own.  [There is a pause as Ayden flies inKayley: I'm sorry. It's all my fault that you were hurt. I mean, I was rattling on when I should have been quiet. I'm no help to anyone. Garrett: [Shushes her gently] You're wrong.

Kayley: Camelot! Oh Garrett, it's so beautiful! I wish you could see it. 
Garrett: I have seen it. And there was no place for me. 
[hands her Excalibur
Kayley: Garrett, what's wrong? Garrett: Take Excalibur to Authur. You don't have much time.  [Turns back towards the Forbidden ForestKayley: [Runs ahead of him, blocking his path] But we'll deliver the sword together. Garrett: No. You deliver it. I... I don't belong in that world.  [Moves past herGarrett: Come on, Ayden. Kayley: [softly] But you belong in mine.


Garrett: [to Ayden] You don't understand. In Camelot, she'd only see me through their eyes. Not a knight, not a man, not anything.

Kayley: [dancing with Garret at their knighting ceremony
[of the hall of people
Kayley: Oh, Garret! Isn't this everything you ever dreamed of? Garrett: Hmm... Not quite *everything*...  [spins Kayley into his arms]

One Week

It's been a week
I'm offically done waiting for you to call me
Once again, I thought something good might happen in my life
And once again, I was wrong

Sunday 24 July 2011


I finished reading the book Halo yesterday and HOLY WOW !!!
Dear Alexandra Adornetto, you are such an insirpation to me!!
I'm so amazed that you are my age and you wrote such a beautiful love story that is turning into a seires!!
I look forward to your next book coming out so I can see how everything between Beth and Xavair turns out
Anyone looking for a love story that involes the paranormal, I highly suggest you check HALO out.
It was so great and I loved every moment of it =)
This is probably the first story I've read that involed angels. I haven't actually seen many angel storys
But  I really hope this doesn't turn into the next twilight and everyone starts going goo-goo ga-ga for Gabe and Xavair.
And then they cast some crappy actress to be Beth
So please, for the love of GOD !!! DO NOT make this AMAZING book into a terrible movie.....unless I'm Beth and Orlando Bloom is Xavair ; )  !!
Then go right ahead lol !!!

Saturday 23 July 2011

Jodey's Lame Life

Dear Jodey's Life,
You need to get out there more often and have more fun! Especially since it's the summer time
Sending .........X
Message could not be sent because Jodey has no life

Skaa Skaa

Guess what I'm doing today till I go to work???

My brother

So how sad is it that my 11 year old brother has more of a life then me?
While I'm either at home playing on Sims or at work
My brother goes away for the weekend with his friend!
Is that not the lamest thing ever??
Damn you fact that I have no life or no money !!

Mircowave dinners

*Lady comes through my till last night with a mircowave dinner*
Andreea: I almost set my house on fire making one of these
Me: You almost set your house on fire making lemonade?!?!?!

Would your insurance cover that??

Shout out!

Here's so someone I had no idea read my blog
Let alone loved it as much as I heard she does!
I'm really glad that someone out there really likes it and reads it
I honestly thought when I started this thing I'd have  readers
But I guess I have a lot more then that !
So here's to apparently my biggest fan who I didn't know I had
Bree Jones!
Thanks for reading

CSI NY Season 6

I just finished watching the sixth season of CSI: NY the other night and it was probably the best season yet!
I loved the fact that they brought back my favourite villian of them all: Shane Casey
I didn't love the way the season ended!
Biggest cliff hanger ever! And to make it even worse, I don't know if my favourite character on the show is dead or not!!
Something else that was awesome was that one of my least favourite celibritys was a guest star on the show and killed someone! HA ! Take that !
But yeah, now I really wanna get season 7 so I can see how it ended.
All the seasons I've noticed ended with a really big cliff-hanger, but none as big as this! So I'm really excited to find out exactly what happened

This is why I need your number

Jamie: Jodey, he better call you!
Me: I know
Jamie: But what if he's bad?
Me: What do you mean?
Jamie: Well, he could be an international jewel thief!!
Me: Well that's exactly why he needs to call me!

Thursday 21 July 2011

Phone numbers

If I could figure out a way to get in touch with you
Instead of the other way around, I would
As much as I keep saying, I really don't care whether or not you call me
I really do hope that you do call me
But I guess at the same time, I'm very much used to being treated like this by boys
so it's not really anything new in my life

Please call me!

The title says it all!
I really wish you would call me


Is it wrong that I really wanna laugh in your face??


Tayler: I am so mad that Pocahontas left John Smith for John fricken gayness !!!

Room Update

So this is my room at the moment! As you can see, there is no more butterfly wallpaper and there is actually NOTHING in my room except my bed frame...and a ladder. We've taken everything out of it so we can begin to paint it.
This is the room I currently live in. Everything i own is in baskets and such. It is NOT the greatest thing at all. I have a small path that I can never ever find whenever I have to wake up at 2 in the morning to pee. Right now, getting out of this room is the most exciting thing in my life

This is my book collection =) It kinda took over the couch

And this is one part of my movie collection. This part does not include all my TV series I have (which include all the seasons of Big Bang theroy, The Office and CSI: NY). It also does not include all my Disney movies. So this is maybe half of all my movies

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Blue Tounges =)

For the nights we drank till we forgot about stupid boys and family
For the nights we danced and partied till we forgot the time of night
For the nights you say you'll leave at one thirty and don't leave till after three
For the nights nothing else matters
For the nights you give your number away to the cute boy you danced with
Here's to those kinds of nights
Let them live on forever in our memories

The Ocean

I think that probably the most beautiful thing in the world is the ocean
It is the habitat of so many animals and plant life
It's amazing that it covers so much of our planet
But as amazing as it is, we continue to pollute it and kill the coral reefs that have been there longer then humans have been on earth
I hope people will look at it one day the same way I look at it
And feel the things I feel when the cold water brushes against my toes
I hope one day, we can all stop what we are doing to distroy the ocean and start to save it instead


I offically love surprising people!
I went to see Harry Potter with Nicole, Kaitlynn and Kate last night
But afterwards, when we were walking to the car,
we blindfolded Nicole and kidnapped her
After a quick stop to get balloons, candles and flowers
we drove to a resterant and set up everything for a surprise birthday dinner for one of my best friends!
It was so much fun! And it made it even better that Nicole had no idea what was going on or why we had kidnapped her =)
I'm so happy you enjoyed it Nicole and that you liked all the birthday gifts you got =)

Monday 18 July 2011


Last night at Stampede!
I can not even describe how much fun I had =D !!
I love you Cassidy for everything !!
I had so much fun and I'm kinda sad it's all over cause I wanna go out and do it again !!!
We have to go out again ! I never go out drinking and I had so much fun last night !!!
Random moments of the night !
-Random cute guys
-Humpy's bathroom
-Waiting for the train
-Driving home and seeing Adam in the car beside us
-Not getting home till 3:30

I love working when....

I love working when
  1. 8.5 hours on fastlanes
  2. My best friend is working basically the same shift as me
  3. My supervisor is in a extremilly good mood cause it's her last shift before vacation


You know what's the best part of having a blog?
When random people you didn't think read it come up to you at Stampede, totally drunk
and tell you how much they love your blog!

Shout out to TOMAS!
Didn't think you read my blog at all ! I'm glad you like it

Sunday 17 July 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2

We went and saw the last Harry Potter movie on opening night!
It was actaully so good !! I didn't read the book, but I did know how it ended because my sister told me
I thought it was all really good though, the story, the effects, the way it all ended
There were little details in it that I thought were really neat
Like when certain characters became a hero in the end
Or when someone wasn't actually dead
They did leave out a lot compared to the book, but I guess you can't put everything in it
without it being a 7 part movie
My sister (who is probably the biggest Harry Potter fan there is) really enjoyed it
So I think most people will enjoy it
I really enjoyed laughing at my sister though when she was crying really loud in the theatre

Friday 15 July 2011

Last Harry Potter

Going to see the VERY LAST Harry Potter movie today!!
Excited to see how everything all ends
Even though I know how it ends
It'll be cool to see how they made it into a movie

My Summer Theme Song

From Phineas and Ferb

Monday 11 July 2011

Stampete & Sleepovers

Tayler invited me to go to Stampete to watch LIGHTS
I was thinking about it, but in the end I decided not to go
Good thing too because
  2. Michela invited me over for a last minute sleepover

Bad Teacher

I went and saw Bad Teacher today with Kate
I thought it had really funny moments in it
But I didn't like Camern Diaz character at all !!!
She was rude and I didn't really like that the whole movie all she was trying to do was earn enough to buy a new pair of boobs! Not at all
Some of the characters in it were sooo funny though
Ms. Squirrel, Lynn and Scott !! But people in the movie !! They made it for me
I did however think the ending was great !! It was surprising and it was fun to see the bad girl win

Boys and Planes

So I didn't meet any cute boys this time I flew home on a plane
Oh well
It's not like the last time that happened, everything ended up working out
My life in a summary

Getting home

I can not WAIT to get home !!
I'm so sick of getting yelled at for stupid things for things that aren't even my fault

Tayler reading

Tayler was in the back reading a book that has 3 books in 1
Tay: Oh my god! I'm on the 3rd book already! The 2nd was like 20 pages
Me: *looks back* really?? Let me see
Tay: See! *Shows me the front of the second book (blank page) then the page where the 3rd book starts (page says 3 then has words)
Me: Tay are you sure that's not just the third chapter??


I had a great time at the Walt Disney Muesum
AND OF COURSE! You have to ruin every good mood I'm in
You let us go in!
You could have said no
Just because YOU were bored, doesn't mean you have to get mad that we were in there for so long!!

The Walt Disney Family Muesum

Dear Disney fans!!
If you're in the San Francisco area, I HIGHLY recommend you stop at the Walt Disney Family Museum!
Out of everything we saw while we were on vacation here, it was by far the best!!
It was actually amazing!!
They have stuff about his entire life from birth to his sad death
INCLUDING what is to believed the VERY FIRST drawing of Mickey and Minnie Mouse!
It was worth every penny I paid to get in and I would for sure go again!

"I have Coffee"

So while we were waiting in line for the boat to the island, my dad and Jamie decided to play this game where Jamie was my dad and my dad was Jamie
Dad being Jamie: *bumps into Jamie*
Lady behind us: Umm could you stop that? I'm drinking coffee
everyone in my family: *looks at her confused*
Lady: Well it's hot coffee
Jamie being my dad: GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH
Mom: Jamie, stop that, people have coffee

Living at Alcatraz

So basically living at Alcatraz is like living with Sheldon Cooper


So we went to the Alcatrz prison!!
Holy !! It was amazing !!!
The tour we went on was actually kinda scary to see how these people lived
Best part though was that Tayler got lost =)

What Happened to Good-Bye

What Happened to Good-Bye by Sarah Dessen
Sarah Dessen is probably one of my favourite authors and so I really enjoyed this book
Some of the things that happened in it were a little predictable but there were a lot of surprises
I would have liked to see more happen with a few characters but the way everything turned out in the end made it a really happy ending.
Another thing I really enjoyed, if you read some of her other books, you'll notice some minor characters show up in this book which I thought was kind of neat
I can't wait to read more by her.

Casey Anthony

Ms. Anthony,
I do 100% believe you killed your daughter

On purpose, I don't know. But I know that no DECENT mother would go out and PARTY while their 2 year old daughter is missing.
I don't understand how they let you off. I do believe you should have been found guitly of murdering your poor innocent child and frankly I'm pissed nothing happens to you now except maybe a slap on your hand.
What's even worse is that while your parents are missing their grand daughter, you're going to be out partying, living the "good life"

Red Wood Forest Tourist

Dear tourist at the Red Wood Forest, just a few things I wanted to let you know
  1. There is a sign telling you the direction at which you are suppose to drive under the tree. It's great that even though there's a line up of cars to go in the CORRECT direction, you still skip to the front and drive under the tree the wrong way.
  2. You're probably a 50 year old man. No one wants to see you in a belly shirt, bright blue short shorts and red cowboy boots
  3. Again with the direction and sign thing. When you drive away, make sure you AREN'T going on a road that says WRONG WAY !!
  4. Make sure ALL CAR DOORS all shut before driving away.... in the wrong direction


So we've been driving for a grand total of 10 and a half hours already today
And now we can't find a place to stay for the night

Driving along the coast

My family

Mom: Jamie
Jamie: What?
Mom: What? Who you talking too?
Jamie: Didn't you call me?
Mom: Yes, I forgot. Do you want some smoothie?
Jamie: *facepalm*

Harry Potter

Tayler was sitting in the back watching Harry Potter 6 while we were driving.
Sometimes, I just hear little giggles and awww's

Some People

So we were driving today, headed to Red Wood forest
and I look to the car next to me
And see this big tough guy driving in his blue sports car
And he has his pet bird with him
.....what a champ


So we went to this store in downtown Anethim to buy TOMS
and we ended up buying so much stuff! It was the cutest little store ever!!
If anyone ever goes there, look for a store called Laurenly!


I hate leaving Disneyland =(
Worst feeling in the world
I want to move here

Hidden Mickey

Sunday 10 July 2011

Day at Disney

So much fun at Disneyland
We had early entry so we got to go into the park an hour before opening
We rode Mattahorn Mountain twice with no line up

Space Mountain 3 times, no line up

Screamin' at least 6 times no line up

Splash Mountain, three times, no line up

And even Alice in Wonderland, once, no line up


I'm so sad that tomorrow is our last day in Disneyland
This is why I'm moving here.
So I never truely have to leave

Toon Town

So if I could, I would probably move and live in ToonTown
When I tell people I want to move to either Orlando or Anithem, I mean it
I don't think they understand though
That I really really really want to live in ToonTown
Like honestly, if there was a way I could move there, I would!
How freaking cool would that be to say, Mickey Mouse is my neighbour!!

Smart Ass

Mom: Oh look, I thought they cut down that store?
Me: Cut down? With what? Scirrors?

The Weasly's Cat

Me: Tay, do the Weasly's have a cat?
Tay: No why?
Me: Cause when Ginny asks where her jumper is, her mom answers, on the cat. And everytime that happpens I picture in my mind a cat running by whereing Ginny's jumper

Disney's World of Colour

Dear Las Vegas Beligeo's Water show
Disney's World of Colour