Wednesday 29 February 2012

Disney Countdown

96 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

I love you

I just want to say thank you to the friends in my life and my boyfriend for always being there for me, for texting me till forever in the morning when I need someone to talk to and I'm so upset about my family treating me like I mean nothing. Having some people in my life who actually care about me makes me feel like I actually have a purpose and I actually should be happy. I'm happy I have some people who treat me like they love me and they want me to be around and with them.
I love you guys so much
I try so hard to have some kind of love in this house
But with you guys, I know I don't have to try. I just have to be myself


Now it's apparently a big deal that I didn't eat dinner here cause I had a late lunch with my boyfriend

Sick and tired of this

Me: *working out on the exercise bike cause it's quiet and everyone is watching Survivor*
Mom: Why aren't you on the treadmill?
Me: Cause this is quieter
Mom:*rolls eyes*
At least I'm doing something!! You're just sitting on your ass watching while you eat a bag of chips!! At least I'm doing something

While we all watch TV, you watch every single move I make, if I bite my lip, you freak out, if I text, you freak out. If I breath, it's to loud!

Me: Good night
Me: Good night !!
Jamie: Good night
Oh so today it's okay for you to completely ignore me when I say goodnight, but last night, when I went down to my room without saying good night, then I get in shit for being so "anti-social"
Only 97 days to go, and I am fucking out of here !!! I am so sick of this !

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Disney Countdown

97 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Going to Disney World

My exact reaction when I found out I was going to Disney World

ASDF Movie

Underworld Outtakes

Oh my gosh !!!! Killing myself laughing after watching the bloopers from "Underworld" !!!!!!

Mickey necklace

So a lady at work saw my Mickey Mouse necklace today
Got soooooo excited when I told her I got it in Disneyland
Got even more excited when I told her I've been to both Disneyland and Disney World
Then got even more excited when I told her I've been to both multiple times
....figured I'd spare her the heart attack and NOT tell her I'm moving there


Dear Sobeys
I would love working there soooo much more if you allowed me to come in wearing my Eeyoore jammies when I work at 7 in the morning


*really retarded song playing at work*
customer: This is probably Adele's worst song
me: This is Adele?
customer: yeah
me: Explains why I hate it so much


Dear Titanic,
Adam and I had plans to watch the movie this April 4th cause it'll be the 100th anniversary of when you sunk! But I'm not going to be here! I'll be in Hawaii !!!! Dang it !!!! Why couldn't you have waited until I got home to sink???

New Fridge

Justin: I'm suppose to go on break, I just have to wait for them to cook my supper
Me: You bought a new refrigerator ????


Last night sucked!!
All night all I wanted to do was rant about stuff!!
But I only worked with boys!
They won't understand my problems

Disney Countdown

98 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Monday 27 February 2012

Yummy Food

I was going through some things and found old recipes I made back when I was in Foods class
It got me inspired to find some more recipes to bring with me down to Florida!!!!
I think I shall try some of these out before I go =)

Mickey Backpack

My aunt called me this morning
My Mickey Mouse back pack came in the mail !!!!!
My aunt is bringing it to me on Thursday !!!!!
Can't wait to see it



Sleepy arm

Laid on my arm funny while I was watching a movie
Well that's one part of my body that's fast asleep

Sunday 26 February 2012

MISC. Countdown

Heather's Going Away Party
Day's till Heather leaves
Days till Hawaii:
Days till Nickelback:

Disney Countdown

99 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Disney's Hollywood Studios

The icon of Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park is a 122-foot-tall, blue and gold Sorcerer Mickey Hat, like the hat Mickey Mouse wore in the 1940 classic Disney filmFantasia.

So tired

I was so tired this morning when I made my countdown, I just realized now that I did it wrong!
Whoops lol


Gunna watch Saw 6 and 7 tonight !!!!

Going Away Gift

Dear Heather,
I may (or may not) have gotten you the most retarded going away present
Love you

Batman Pants!!

Batman jammie pants!!!!
No big deal !!


I have gone through the entire day thinking it was Tuesday
I had to be reminded time and time again that it is in fact Sunday

Dinner and the Oscars

Dinner at the pub with Adam
Followed by a lovely round of "Oscar Drinking Game"

Disney Stuff

Things I want

  • More Disney movies
  • More Disney music on my iPod 


So cause my parents are just sooooo awesome, they have decided to fly out to Hawaii 3 days before Tay, Jamie and me. So...

  1. We'll be home alone for a little bit before we go on vacation
  2. I won't have my mother over my shoulder the entire time I'm trying to pack
  3. The three of us get to fly all by ourselves to Hawaii !!!

MISC. Countdown

Heather's Going Away Party
Day's till Heather leaves
Days till Hawaii:
Days till Nickelback:

Disney Countdown

100 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Ugly People

Kirsten: your brother dated my friend Breanna?
Brett: Yeah
Kirsten: Yeah I don't like her, she has this whole thing where she won't talk to people cause they're "ugly"
Brett: Yeah, I kinda got that from her
Me: Why? She didn't talk to you??



Yesterday, at 4:00, I noticed I had 4 unread messages.... snicker snicker

Saturday 25 February 2012


Saturday: Night shift till 10:30
Sunday: Morning shift at 7
Monday: Night shift till 10:30
Tuesday: Morning shift at 7
Wednesday: Night shift till 10:30
Thursday: Morning shift at 7

...yeah, work loves me

MISC. Countdown

Heather's Going Away Party
Day's till Heather leaves
Days till Hawaii:
Days till Nickelback:

Moving to Disney options

Option 1: Go to Orlando 3-4 days before June 5th with Tay and go to the parks or something before I move into my apartment there. Quit work sooner and pack sooner

Option 2: Go with everything as planned

Disney Countdown

101 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!


I had such a good sleep last night!!
I was watching Friends before bed
and I can't remember if I fell asleep watching, or if I turned it off and went to bed


You know it's meant to be when he says disgusting things
And you still kill yourself laughing at them

Friday 24 February 2012

Cash Shift

I haven't worked anything but customer service since January 14th !!!
And today, I am finally cash !!!
I hope this means it'll go a bit faster then normal lol

Disney Countdown

102 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Thursday 23 February 2012

Tapping an Egg

Me: How do you tell if an egg is boiled?
Kate: Tap it
Me: *Taps egg*


For lent this year, I am giving up pop and I am going to try very hard to work out every day either before work in the morning or after work. I'm moving to Florida and I'm going to Hawaii in about a month and a bit. I want to look nice and not be self conscience in a bathing suit

Disney Countdown

103 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Tuesday 21 February 2012


You're a faggot....that's all I have left to say to you


I carry around your stupid laptop all day for you to bring it to the mall to get fixed
Even though my arms are both killing me from lifting hardwood flooring all day yesterday
I get your laptop fixed for you
Not even a thank you when I get home...
no all you care about is that I didn't run on the laptop
And what I ate for lunch and dinner!
I am sooooo sick of trying to earn some kind of respect from you by doing chores around the house, running errands for you, fixing all your shit when it breaks
You don't even know how to say thank you

I literally live like this with you:
Me: I brought your laptop in and it's all fixed
You: Why didn't you run on the treadmill this morning?
Me: I ran on the treadmill this morning
You: Why is your acne so bad? Are you not washing your face every night?

I am so sick of this ! I can't take it anymore!
I want to look at you and scream in your face to leave me the fuck alone if nothing I do is ever going to be good enough for you
As soon as I move back home from Florida, do not expect me back leaving here. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions. And right now, I'm deciding as soon as I'm back, I'm not moving back in with someone who makes me so miserable all the time

Monday 20 February 2012

Disney Countdown

105 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Old Toys

As weird as it sounds, I really miss having something besides watching TV or playing on the computer to do after dinner.
I miss playing with Barbies, Polly Pockets, board games, House and with my dollhouse.
I don't like having nothing to do anymore
I need to find something to keep my mind busy after we finish dinner every night
Is it strange that I suddenly miss these things so much?


I swear to the Lord
If my room mate in Florida doesn't accept Lucy
We are not going to get along lol

My Future


Adam surprised me and got us tickets to go see Nickelback in May !!!!!!!!!!!!
EKKKK I'm soooooooooo excited !!!!!!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Friday 17 February 2012

Thursday 16 February 2012

Blogging from Vegas

I is blogging from my room in the MGM hotel in Las Vegas !!


Flying off to Vegas today with the Fam Jam !!!!!
Coming home Sunday night
Should be a good time

Disney Countdown

110 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentines Day Math

In my seven hour shift today, I sold $282.62 in Valentines Day cakes, candy and chocolate!
$150.87 in cards and balloons!
And $2,579.73 in Flowers!
That's a total of $3,013.23 for Valentines Day!
But that was only my seven hour shift! Sobeys is open 11 hours! So multiple $3,013.23 by 11 and that's $33,154.53 spend at one cashier. Multiple that by, let's say, 7 cashiers and that's $232,018.71 spend on Valentines Day crap! And we're only one grocery store in the entire world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more

One more shift today !!! Then I'm off for a whole week and off to Las Vegas !!!!

Monday 13 February 2012

To You

Happy Valentines Day to the most amazing guy in the whole world !!!
I love you to pieces Adam

Disney Countdown

 112 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day

Perfect way to start Valentines Day
Packing for my trip and watching "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans"


I should probably start packing tonight since I work tomorrow and I plan on sleeping in until then !
Then I have plans for all day Wednesday
And I'm leaving Thursday

Disney Countdown

 113 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Plans for today

  • Go get lunch with Tay
  • Police station
  • Go see baby Hallie
  • work =(


 Mickey Mouse Penthouse in Disneyland Resort!!!
Is it strange that I would totally live here!!!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Disney Countdown

 114 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!


I have decided that I really want a pair of Batman jammie pants !!!


After work, I fully intend on getting ice cream
Eating it in my bed and watching a movie !!!
Can't wait!!

Old shows

  • Full House
  • Friends
  • Brotherly Love
  • Boy Meets World
  • The Weekenders
What happened to all the good shows there used to be??


As of today, I have a new baby girl cousin !!!!


From Adam <3


There's a woman I see a lot at Sobeys
I kid you not, this is exactly what she looks like!!!
Minus the blue 


I kinda love this kid 

Ice Cream

You know it's true love when he always buys you ice cream <3

Friday 10 February 2012

Disney Countdown

 115 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Days off

Had 2 excellent days off!
And now it's back to work for 5 days and then a well needed  VACATION !!!!


I hope you know that no matter what happens,
If they are treating you bad and telling you that you're worthless and do nothing and aren't independent,
Please know that I will always be here!
I will always love you
They can't change the way I feel about you
Nothing and no one ever will <3

Disney Countdown

 116 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Boy Meets World

Disney Countdown

 117 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

She's the Man

"Girls with asses like mine, do not talk to guys with faces like yours"


Dear Facebook !!!!!
I'm so mad at you right now for swearing up the order of all the pictures in my album!!!


I don't know how but my wrist hurts soooooo freaking bad !!!
Every moment I make, it hurts !!

My friends sisters

Not only is Nicole's sister in Spy Kids 2
Adam's sister is in Resident Evil 3 !!


Make-up Brush

Sooo I dropped one of my make-up brushes down a vent today.....FUCCCCKK!

We Make Each Other Laugh

Me: Look ! It's blue !

Adam: What do you do if there is danger around every corner?
Me: I don't know. Take the stairs?

California Adventure !!


Disney Countdown

 118 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Alfred Angelo

OH MY GOD!!!!!
Commercial for Disney Fairy Tale Wedding Dresses !!!!!
Made my life forever

Disney Countdown

 119 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Monday 6 February 2012


My good friend Heather is leaving in less then a month for Florida!!!!
I'm so excited for you Heather !!!!
But I'm also excited cause after you leave, it'll only be 91 days until I leave =D

This World

I don't want to live in this world anymore, where a 2 year old girl is kept in a closet for 6 years and only taken out to be beaten physical and sexual !!
What the fuck kind of parents would do that to their child???
Who in their right mind think something like that is right???

You are disgusting fuckers who deserve what you got !!! Rot in a fucking jail cell for what you did to your poor innocent daughter !!!

Calgary Weather

Welcome to Calgary
When I left for work this morning, it was snowing.
When I get off work, it would appear nothing of the sort happened...


I'm sick of the way you think you can treat me!!
Honestly, why the hell do you think I'm such a bitch to you now?
I'm done being pushed around and treated the way everyone here has become accustomed to treating me
I don't care if when I leave and you all think of me as the biggest bitch there ever was
Cause right now, that's how I think of all of you
And I'm just from now on going to show you how it feels!
Besides, as soon as I leave, I'm not coming back.

Disney Countdown

120 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Sunday 5 February 2012


Thank you to my walks home after work
Now I know what it looks like when bunnies make...well...other bunnies 



This is one of those times where after working till 10:30 I'm not tired at all and I don't want to go to sleep at all! I want to stay up and watch a movie and eat ice cream and all that jazz
But tonight, I can't cause I have to work at 7 in the morning so I have to be up at 6 =(
My movies are calling to me and it was so hard not to buy a yummy dessert at work


In case anyone cares
I REALLLLLLLLLLLY don't want to work tonight

Disney Countdown

121 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Perry the Platypus

"Well we've had a lot of great days, but we only have one Perry"

Disney Fact

When Walt Disney was a boy, he played Peter Pan in a school Production!

Alice in Wonderland

I fell asleep watching Alice in Wonderland last night....

Disney Countdown

122 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!


My plans for today is to begin my extreme clean up of my room/getting my things ready for when I move to Florida!!
And I will do this all.....while watching a Disney movie =D

Friday 3 February 2012


1 more day to get up
Then 2 whole days to sleep in!!!
Finally I can watch Teen Mom and my new Disney movies I bought !!!

Polar Bears

I was dreaming about Polar Bears.
Woke up thinking, where the hell did that come from
Realized my window was open and it was freaking freezing in my bedroom!!

Disney Countdown

123 Days Until I Move to Walt DisneyWorld !!!