Tuesday 31 May 2011


To Kate
Thanks for always being there when I just need to cry my eyes out
I love you to death
Best Friends Forever

Pepper Dog


To my Pepper Dog
I'll miss you more then anything in the world
You were always there for me when no one else was
I loved you with all my heart and I'll never forget how much you loved all of us
I'm know you're safe now and you're no longer hurting
I'll miss you every second you're not here and I'll always love you more then anything
Good bye Pepper Dog, my Fluffly Girl
Where ever you are now, I know you're happy and running around again
I love you baby girl

Grad Banquet

May 29th 2011
Graduation Banquet
Probably one of the best nights of my life <3
Thank you to all my friends who were there and made it so much fun
All my buddies who went in the Limo with us
All my friends who I danced the night away with
You guys are the best and the night went by way to fast
If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change a single thing about anything that happened
It was the best night I've had in a long time
And I even got to live my dream of being a Disney Princess
Cassidy Jesie Me Hillary Ada Kate Nicole Danielle Andrew

Sunday 29 May 2011

It's finally here

I can't believe this! After months and months of waiting, tonight is the night we all get to look like Princess' and Princes! Tonight it the night we get to Party till we're purple and no one else can say anything or judge cause it's OUR night !!
Everyone has worked so hard for this night and it's finally here! I can't wait to see all my friends, dressed up looking beautiful and handsom! This is going to be the best night of my life and I can't wait for it to begin =D
Happy Graduation!
Class of 2011 !!

Saturday 28 May 2011


Staring at my Grad Dress in the closet!!
I just want to put it on and wear it now !!!!
Tomorrow come sooner!!!

Brillant Plan

I am Brillant !
I will watch a couple of long movies and then when they are all over, it will be a good time to go to sleep, and then when I go to sleep, I'll sleep, then when I walk up, I'll begin getting ready !!!

Night before Grad

As I type this, it is 7:15 PM.
Is it weird that I want to go to bed right now just so that when I wake up, it'll be morning and I can start getting ready for Grad?
I can not wait for tomorrow to begin =)


Things to do for Grad Prep
-Clean house
-Get some Goodies for all my limo buddies
-Break in heels

-Get all my stuff organized
-Finish homework


Things to do for Grad Prep
-Clean house
-Get some Goodies for all my limo buddies
-Break in heels
-Get all my stuff organized
-Finish homework


Dear Religion Teacher
Please accept the fact that this next assignment is going to be a million percent shitty.
Understand that tomorrow is grad and I have so much to get done and this religion assignment is just getting in my way of finishing my list of stuff to do before tomorrow.
Thank you


Things to do for Grad Prep
-Clean house
-Get some Goodies for all my limo buddies
-Break in heels
-Get all my stuff organized
-Finish homework


Things to do for Grad Prep
-Clean house
-Get some Goodies for all my limo buddies
-Break in heels
-Get all my stuff organized
-Finish homework

Friday 27 May 2011

Almost Here

One more day of school
And then the Grad Prep Begins!!


Zac: No no no
Caity: Are you Ducky?
Zac: No, are you Petri?
Jodey: *laughs*
Zac:*turns to me* Are you Petri?
Jodey: I'm Chomper

Thursday 26 May 2011

My Sister

I offically love going to Wal-mart with my sister Tayler


You know what's one of the best ways to start the day?
"What's that Jodey?"
Waking up and checking your bank account to see how much you got paid and noticing it's WAY more then you were expecting =)
Now that's a good morning treat!!
Now it's off to school =( In the rain

Can't Wait

3 More days until Grad <3  !!!
I have almost eveything and I'm getting all last minute things planned !!
I'm realising now that I'm probably not going to get ANY sleep this weekend !!

Tuesday 24 May 2011


So I've been at my Grandma's house since I got off school at 2 because I want to bring home my Grad dress. There's only a couple things that need to be fixed and then it'll be all done. I was in the other room changing and I heard this conversation between my Grandma and my Aunt.

Auntie Sandy: Jeez why do you work so hard on that for her?
Grandma: Because do you not see the way she lights up when she puts it on?

Mama! I Love you to death <33 You mean sooo much to me!! Thank you for everything you've done to get my dress ready for my grad night.


Grad is only 5 days away! I'm getting pretty excited!
This is my grad dress  =)  I bought it back in Feburary and to this day, I'm still totally in love with it !!
It's exactly what I wanted. Something yellow that reminds me of Belle's dress from Beauty and the Beast (my favourite movie ever) ! My grandma was kind enough to do all the alterations and it's almost done. Just a few pokes and pins to fix!!

Monday 23 May 2011


1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years
6 Years
1,000,000 Years
Maybe it's just the situation I'm in now, but why does age play such a role in the people we love?
Yes, I personally would never be with someone who was 10 years older then me
But if you really and truly care for someone who treats you better then anyone else who was a couple months older has, why does age matter?
Being with someone is not in my eyes make it better or worse depending on the persons age, but on if they love you in return. I don't care what people think if I'm with someone who is a few years older then me. If he means a lot to me and I mean a lot to him, isn't that all that matters?


I'm cleaning out my room and went through most of my clothes.
I have already an entire garbage bag of clothing to give away.
Giving it all to Good-Will

Bag of keepers and all my Give away clothes

Empty Drawers

Saturday 21 May 2011

Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides

So my friends and I saw Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides yesterday
It was opening day and we were lucky to score tickets to the IMAX and what made it even better was it was my best friend, Kate's 18th birthday.

I was very upset that Orlando Bloom wasn't in it, but it was SOOO good and I fully intend on going to see it a second time. What I really liked about it that was different from the first three were the mermaids. I thought they looked really cool and I was really impressed.
Johnny Depp was still as amazing as ever for his role as Jack! Still super funny and pulling off crazy stunts to get away from something. The ending was very good and if you go to see it, stay until after the credits because something happens afterwards.
Even though they got rid of Orlando Bloom as Will, they brought in Sam Claflin as Phillip. He was very sexy I must say (he's no Orlando Bloom though =( )
Overall the movie was A M A Z I N G !!! I highly recommend any Pirate fan to go see it.
 Astrid Berges-Frisbey as Syerna the Mermaid and Sam Claflin as Phillip

Hi =)

Hey everyone!
This is my first blog of my new blog website deardisneyprincess.blogspot.com!! I hope you all like it =) I guess I'll start my first blog with a little bit about myself to get you all to know me =)

[Relationship Status] - At the moment, I'm single but I have a kind of who means a lot to me =)

[Parents still together] - Yep
[Siblings] - one older sister one younger brother. Makes me the middle child. I hate it
[pets] - Pepper Dog <3 She means everything to me. Sitting on my lap right now as I type this

[Color] - Pink
[Number] - 4
[Animal] - Sharks, wolfves and Armidillos
[Book] - Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
[Flower] - white rose

[Have tattoos?] - One one my foot, it's little puppy dog prints for Pepper. I want to get a second one. A Walt Disney quote on my back
[Cheat on tests?] - Honestly, yeah
[Like roller coasters?] - Love em' !! Want to go to Six Flags and Canada's Wonderland SOOO bad
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] -Grandma's or Disneyland or World
[Like cleaning?] - Nope
[Own a cell phone?] - I do, her name is DJ

[Current hair] - Curly and I want to dye it
[currently playing] - What I meant to say- Daughtry
[Last movie you saw] - Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides
[Believe there is life on other planets?] - No
[Hate yourself?] - Sometimes
[Collect anything?] - Books
[Like your handwriting?] - Not when it's messy

[First crush] - Peter
[you believe in love at first sight?] - It's called Childbirth
[you believe in "the one?"] - Very much so

[Sarcastic] - Yes
[shy] - A little
[Talkative] - Yes

[Pierce your nose or belly button?] - Belly Button
[Be serious or funny?] - Funny

[Simple or complicated?] - I try to keep things as simple as possible

[What time is it]- 10:42 AM
[Name] - Jodey

[Where do you want to live] - Disneyland
[How many kids do you want] - Two
[What kind of job do you want] - Writer or Wedding Planner or Teacher
[Do you want to get married] - I do

[Are you double jointed] - Not that I know of
[Can you raise one eyebrow] - A little
[Can you cross your eyes] - Some what
[Do you make your bed daily] - Not on Weekends

[Which shoe goes on first] - Haha, I don't know =P
[Ever thrown one at someone] - Everyday
[How Much money do you carry in your wallet]- I think I have 40 right now

[Bought something] - I bought 2 movies and popcorn at the movie theatre
[Gotten sick] - No thank goodness
[Sang] - While I was trying to fall asleep
[Felt stupid] - Every moment of my life
[Missed someone] - When I'm not with someone who means a lot to me, I miss them a lot. I hate being away from my friends =)
[Gotten drunk ] - No
[Gotten high] - No
[Danced crazy] - and fell
[Gotten your hair cut] - No, I haven't cut my hair in over a year
[Watched cartoons] - Of course
[Lied to someone] - I try my hardest never to lie to people

[Slept in your bed] - Pepper Dog, Heart, Lucy, Mickey and me
[Saw you cry] - Lucy
[Saw a movie with you] - Kate and Nicole

[Been to California] - 8 times
[Been to Europe] - 5 times I think
[Wished you were the opposite sex] - As much as it sucks to be a girl and go through all the things girls go through, I wouldn't change myself

1. [Honestly, what color is your underwear?] - Pink
2. [Honestly, whats on your mind right now?] - Debating to go to a party tonight, Wishing a certian someone would text me back
3. [Honestly, what are you doing right now?] - Starting my own blog and texting my aunt cause my parents are idiots
4. [Honestly, do you think you are attractive?] - I didn't for the longest time, until someone called me beautiful. But to this day, it still kind of shocks me when a guy tells me I'm hot or pretty
5. [Honestly, have you done something bad Today?] - It's 10 in the morning, nothing happens till 12 at least
6. [Honestly, do you watch disney channel?] - YES !!!! That's the only TV I watch
7. [Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?] - I tend to be a very jealous person. I try to hide it from people who it'll hurt
8. [Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?] - Kate and Nicole, Pepper Dog and at the moment, Him <3
9. [Honestly, do you bite your nails?] - Never have
10.[Honestly, what is your mood right now?] - His name is Chris
11.[Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?] - Either, Kate Nicole or Chris
12.[Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?] - Kate knows probably everything about me, if you ask, I'm most likely to tell you. I don't really have secrets. I just sometimes don't tell people stuff cause they don't ask
13.[Honestly, do you hate someone right now?] - Yes
15.[Honestly, do you like someone?] - Yes <3
16.[Honestly, does anyone like you?] - I really think he likes me

[ ] I still watch cartoons on Saturdays.
[ ] I eat Froot Loops.
[ ] I go trick or treating.
[ ] I’ve taken a bubble bath in the last month.
[x] I have water balloon fights with my friends
[ ] I still believe in Santa
[ ] Mommy’s still the coolest person ever
[ ] I sleep till noon.
[ ] I still pass out little Valentines day cards on Valentines Day.
[ ] The boy/girl that sits next to me is cute
[x] I still drink apple juice.
[x] There are monsters in my closet.
[ ] I can’t sleep with the lights off
[x] I can’t sleep with the lights on.
[x] I still like piggy back rides.
[x] Boys/girls still have cooties

A – AVAILABLE : Kind of
B – BEST FRIENDS : Kate & Nicole
C- CUTE: Pepper Dog
D – DADS NAME : Wally
G – GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS : German Gummy Bears
K – KIDS : None yet
O – ONE THING YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF : My obession with Disney
Q – FAVORITE QUOTE : "I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing-That it was all started with a mouse" Walt Disney
R – REASON TO SMILE : He texted me back =)
S – SONG YOU LAST HEARD : Pirates of the Carribean theme song
U – UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I love Roller Coaster Tycoon
W – WORST HABITS : Falling asleep

****Everyone has their firsts…****

First real best friend: Rachel Neid
First Cellphone: Parker
First pet: Fish
First piercing/tattoo: ears.

****Everyone has their lasts…****

Last person you hugged: Nicole, Kaitlynn and Kate
Last time you cried : Couple days ago
Last thing you touched: Phone
Last time at the mall: Yesteday
Last person you saw: Mom
Last thing you drank: Pop at the movie
Last time you have been truly happy: Yesterday when Kate texted me saying how much she enjoyed yesterday cause it was her birthday and I planned the whole day