Thursday 28 February 2013

Apartment Clean Up

So my roommate headed back to Norway this morning!
Which means, since I got off work, I have been cleaning up the apartment like crazy!
I can not BELIEVE how much stuff she left behind!
I feel bad throwing everything out!
But what the heck am I going to do with it!
I have almost gotten everything out of here that was hers!
Now, it's PIZZA TIME!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

All Grown Up

Yesterday, I spilled some brown paint on my jammie shorts while doing some arts and crafts.
I felt so grown up after I washed them and the stain came out!
HA! Take that permanent paints!

More Good-byes

Just talked to my roommate about how tomorrow is her late day and found out she is flying back home to Norway on Thursday!
As much as I complain about her, I am so nervous about getting a new roommate and I am so sad to say good-bye to her!
Yes, I complained about her a lot. But she was still my roommate for 5 months and it's going to be so sad when I come home from work on Thursday and she's gone

Things I miss

Things I miss: Watching 'How to Train Your Dragon' with Jamie and Tayler!

"I did this!"
"I helped!"

To Many Goodbyes

This whole "saying Good-bye" business is really starting to get to me! I hate that all the amazing friends I have made over my last 9 months here are almost gone!
Tomorrow is Lindsey's last day. Then Bailey soon after, then Lindsay, then Sam. And then it'll be my turn to pack my bags and head home.
Don't get me wrong! I miss all my friends back home more then anything! Saying good-bye to them was so hard. But I never thought about how hard it would be to say good-bye to the people who have been in my life for so long! I do not like this at all!
Why can't you all just be going away for a few days, and then coming back?
Then when I think about how soon everyone is going to be leaving, it only reminds me how soon I am leaving! And how I am NOT ready to go home yet! I do not want to leave yet! Thank goodness I still have a few more months! But still!
They are probably going to have to drag me from housing!

Monday 25 February 2013

So far Away

It makes me sad when I see all my friends back home doing all these fun things and I can't be with them.
I'm not trying to wish away my life here or anything, but I just wish I had all my loved ones here to enjoy it all with me!
At least I'll be home in a few months.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Get Better Soon

Sending lots of love and kisses home to Adam!
He slipped on ice and may have fractured a rib!
I wish I could be there right now with you, hun!
Get lots of rest and I hope you feel better soon!
I love you <3

Friday 22 February 2013


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I can not explain why my sister and I have an obsession with T-rex's and their short arms!
It all began when 'Meet the Robinsons' came out. And the T-Rex goes, "I have a big head, and little arms!"
Ever since then, Tayler and I quote it like nobodies business and we are always sending pictures back and forth to each other like this one! And this one,
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It's just an inside joke we've had forever and I don't think anyone will really understand why we think it's so funny! But I don't care, it makes me laugh! 
I love my sister, and I love all the T-Rex jokes she sends me! 

Thursday 21 February 2013


All pictures moved into an album!
Now to go through all 1,000 of them and organize them!


There's a limit of 1000 pictures for an album on Facebook!
Looks like moving all my pictures is going to take more work then I thought!


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Days like today remind me that there will always be people in my life who are going to get on my nerves! People who I will not always get along with.
But then there are also people who will always be there for me. My friends who care about me and who want to spend time with me. People who make me laugh and I have a great time hanging out with!
Thank you to those people who even with just a text can cheer me up !


The Canada Stock room ghost strikes again!
This time, I actually witnessed it!
I was up in the stock room with Shelby, putting away hangers. Suddenly, the light goes out, and the back door banged open and then shut! We went to check it out, and the door was locked???
Later on during the day, I was up there again with Shelby and Lindsay getting some stock for the store. Nothing happened, but when we were on our way out, we heard a huge bang!
Yeah, so never going up there alone!


Adam McCartney
Those moments when all you want to do is hold her close and whisper in her ear "I love you."

Adam's Facebook this morning!
Hun, I love you so much and I miss you every moment of everyday! 3 More months and we'll be together again!


Having a real breakfast for the first time in forever!!
Hooray for bagels!!

Wednesday 20 February 2013


Bear with me, I'm in the process of re-doing all my albums on Facebook!
Give me one or two (or a million) days and it'll be all better


I just found out that Michela is coming to visit me in either April or May !!!!
I can not wait to see her!

Mind Fuck

What movie is a sequel, to a prequel, that's a sequel to a remake!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Story of my Life

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Day in my Life

I spent the day yesterday doing arts & crafts and skyping with Adam.
It was really nice. It was a very relaxing day!
I hope I can have more days like this in the future!
Maybe improve my arts & crafts skills!

Monday 18 February 2013

Saturday 16 February 2013


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On March 2, 2013, me and a group of Cast Members I work with, will be participating in the Disney Voluntears Bowl-A-Thon!
We will be raising money for schools of Central Florida from grades K-12!
Money raised will go towards helping students stay in school, earning the education every child deserves!
Help me raise money for the schools of Central Florida!
If you'd like to donate and help me reach me goal, everything will help!


So I have the 'I Love you smile' Award
and the 'Cart Artist' Award
Now how would I go about making a new award?

Arts & Crafts

Arts and Crafts make me happy !
I think I finally found myself a hobby !

My Sister

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My Aunt saw Ariel there and told Tay to go stand there, cause Ariel is Tayler's favourite princess.
Tay stands there, takes the picture, then as we are walking away she goes, "Oh look, Ariel is on that ship!"
"Yeah, that's why we got you to take a picture with it..."
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I found this hat in the German pavilion and thought it was funny, so I put it on her head. My aunt saw, laughed and wanted a picture. Tayler smiled and took the picture, completely unaware of what was on her head. 
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Everyday, Tay would stand and wait for us as we got our bags checked. On our last day, we went into Epcot, and Auntie Sandy and I almost walked all the way by without Tayler noticing us. We stood there, waiting for her to come join us, and she didn't. We took a picture. She still didn't move. I wonder what she was thinking about.

Story of my Life

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As Beautiful as these pictures are, can't say I'm missing when it snows this much back home!

4 AM

So this morning, I was sleeping, my roommate was sleeping
Out of nowhere, our apartment phone starts ringing!
I was almost out of bed to go answer it but it only rang maybe 2 times.
It woke both my roommate and I up, and after it stopped, we looked at each other and were like, "What the fuck?"
I freaked out at first, thinking it was work, being like, "Um you're late for work, where the heck are you?"
Till I looked at the clock at it was only 4 in the morning.
We came to the conclusion that someone dialled the wrong number.
Why it was at 4 AM, I have no idea

Damn Wal-Mart

Well, I'm pooped! I was hoping for a quick trip to Wal-Mart after work, followed by a work out session, followed by Skyping with my boy back home.
But NO!
Freaking Wal-Mart bus was a million years late picking up from my stop, I finally got there, rushed to get everything I needed to make the next bus, and then the next bus didn't show. I literally sat there for 45 minutes waiting for the damn bus to show up!
For poops sake!
So much for a quick trip! Took me over 3 hours to get there and back!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Keys to the Kingdom

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My Official Key to the Kingdom!
Yeah, that's right, I actually got this to keep! 

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I went on the Keys to the Kingdom tour today with Lindsey!
Such a blast! We learned so many awesome secrets and little tricks of the Magic Kingdom!

We started off walking down Main Street USA and watched the Trolley Parade. Something cool we learned was when Walt was buying land for the Florida project, he knew companies wouldn't sell him land for a fair price because, well, he's Walt Disney, so he made up a ton of different company names (that you can see on the windows along Main Street). Also, if you were to look into these companies, you'd see that the vice presidents of these made up companies were Steamboat Willie, and Donald Duck. We made our way down to the Hub and learned a little about the design of the Statue 'Partners.' Walt is 6 feet tall cause that is the height he thought was perfect for a man (even though in real life, he was only 5'9) and Mickey is about waist height because that's how tall he is in Fantasia when he is side by side with Yensid (the wizard).

We went into Adventureland where we all rode our own private Jungle Cruise (Lindsey was super excited about this as it is her favourite ride). We discovered that the Jungle Cruise has the world famous 'Bottom-less Hippos' and also that one of the Tribal men screams out "I LOVE DISCO!' when he attacks the boat!

We got to go backstage and see where all the floats for the parades sleep at night. We saw all the floats for the 'Celebrate a Dream Come True' parade and the 'Main Street Electrical' parade. We even saw the shed where they keep floats for special parades like the Christmas Day parade and the Halloween party parade. We also learned that on the parade floats, there aren't hidden Mickey's, but instead, Hidden Walts! So cool! Our awesome tour guide pointed them out to us! Anyone want to see the parade with me? I'll point them out for you too! I will also point out the doors! Yes, it's true, the floats are driven! But the drivers are just as Magical as the parade itself! 

Little fun fact, I got to touch the float from the 'Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade' that Mickey dances on!! 

After our lunch at the Columbia Harbour house, we all rode The Haunted Mansion. But that's old news, Lindsey and I are already very well informed about that ride, but it was still cool, and you can never ride The Haunted Mansion too many times in my opinion!

We learned why they got rid of the 'Mr. Toad's Wold Ride.' Turns out, parents prefer to take their kids on a ride where you bounce along with Tigger and Pooh, then on a ride where you are basically a drunk driving toad who gets arrested, breaks out of jail, then dies and goes to hell. Huh? Beats me?

We talked a little about Cinderella's castle, why it's exactly 189ft tall. We got to see pictures of the inside of the Cinderella Princess Suite. I want to win a night there! It's beautiful! There is no dollar value on this room, it is there for Make A Wish children, and during the Year of a Million Dreams celebration, every night, one family would be chosen to stay there. 

We went down into the Utlli-door, which is the secret underground of the Magic Kingdom! It was pretty cool. It wasn't my first time being down there though so it wasn't totally amazing, but we learned a lot about Roy Disney and how hard he worked to make Walt's dream of Walt Disney World become a reality. We learned about Walt's vision for all his movies and how he wanted the world to not only see the movie, but to smell what was going on in the movie, to feel the wind in their hair when they were flying or to feel the rain on them when it was raining in the movies. 

It was an amazing experience! I am so thrilled I got to experience it! I would do it again in a heart beat, or any other Magic Kingdom Tour! Absolutely incredible !!!!

I would like to thank our awesome tour guide, Katie! She was great! We even played a little prank on another tour guide which was fun! She was in the middle of telling her group a little bit about backstage stuff, and our group walked up and we all screamed, congratulations on your engagement!


I have had 8 wonderful and relaxing days off!
Time spent with my family!
Time recovering from an ear infection (in my defence, I did go into work today, but at the last second decided to call in cause my ear was killing me and I needed to go to the doctor before it got even worse)
And a lovely day at Magic Kingdom going on the Keys to the Kingdom tour!
But tomorrow, I go back to work. But only for 2 days, then my weekend!

Happy Valentines Day

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Happy Valentines Day, my Love!
I love you and miss you so much!
I'm sorry we can't spend this day together and I miss you every moment!
Only 3 and a half more months and we'll be back together!

Oh Disney

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Remember this Road

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So many years ago, Tay and I went to Universal Studios with our little brother and our parents.
We were staying at a hotel that was walking distance from Universal. 
So, when we were done at the park, we decided to walk back to the hotel.
But, unfortunately for us, our parents went in the completely wrong direction of our hotel,
so we ended up walking a good 20 minutes going nowhere.
The entire time, my parents were arguing, mom saying we were going the right way. Dad saying we weren't.
Tay, Jamie and I following a little behind, knowing we had gone the completely wrong way.
Finally, after an hour of walking, we stopped and asked for directions and found out that the I trolley bus goes right by our hotel.
Anyways, it's funny, cause this weekend, when my sister was here, guess what road we ended up on again? 
Only this time, we were going the right way!

Happy Valentines Day

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Keys to the Kingdom!

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Going on the Keys to the Kingdom tour today with Lindsey!!!
Up at the crack of dawn getting ready! I can not wait!
This is going to be so freaking cool!

Wednesday 13 February 2013


Hey, I hope you know that I am so proud of you. I love you and I wish I could be there with you <3
You mean so much to me and I miss you. I miss not being there with you every single day. I love you. And we'll be together in a few months <3
A&J <3


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Yeah.... just a little wet =)


It's so nice that even after I had so much time off and I have the day off tomorrow, I still have friends who will help me when I don't feel good. Help me figure out where a doctor is, and understand when I need to call in and go to the doctor.
Back home, if I called in, the next day, co-workers would be barking at me, telling me that I can't do that, I need a doctors note, I probably wasn't even sick! Blah! Blah! BLAH!
Here, I have friends helping me, telling me what I should do and what they think will help me out with my ear!
They are telling me where I should go to find a doctor, what numbers to call. And they are texting me, asking if I'm ok, if I need anything.
Thanks guys! I know I am probably letting you down by not showing up today, but it's really nice to have you guys here for me when I don't feel good and I need a friend!


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It's actually Canada!


Well I decided to go to the doctor today about my ear!
Thankfully there was no problem with my insurance or anything.
But now I have another day off!
Looks like there's going to be a whole 2 days on my pay check next week! Word!

Tuesday 12 February 2013


Even from a million miles away
when I'm sick or don't feel good
He always knows how to make me smile =)
Thanks Adam!
I love you so much <3 And I miss you everyday!

Hidden Mickey's

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Hidden Mickey at Saratoga Springs!


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Trip with My Sis & Aunt

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Haunted Mansion

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I lied, I also got this!
Haunted Mansion Life!
Who wants to play?


Some awesome new things Tayler/Auntie Sandy/I bought myself!!
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A Batman Belly button ring!
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A Lorax mug from Universal Studios!
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And for on the go, A Perry travel mug!
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Pink coconut fudge from Honeydukes!
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'Cinderella' & 'Tower of Terror' for my Disney movie collection!
I also got 'Cinderella: Dreams come True', 'Cinderella: A Twist in Time' & Winnie the Pooh
But those got packed up before I could take a picture
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Grinch boxer shorts from Universal Studios!
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A cozy Mickey sweater
And Finally....
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I FINALLY got a Brave bear! I got Hamish!!!