Tuesday 30 August 2011


53 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
274 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimesion

So I FINALLY saw Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension last night with my bro cause I bought it!
It was probably the best thing I have ever seen LIKE EVER!!! I freakin' loved it so much!!!
It was sooo cute!! I am downloading all the music from it as soon as I can so I can learn all the songs and sing along with them everyday!!!
I feel like the biggest loser ever that I loved it so much but it was proabably the greatest movie ever and I want to watch it again right now! And I think I will !
So in conclusion, best movie EVER! WATCH IT!


Monday 29 August 2011


Phineas and Ferb movie
"Summer, it's ice cream and cherry soda dripping down your chin!"
Jamie: They don't even have chins

My Father

Sitting with my family at Olive Garden waiting to get a table
Mom: Jodey, who are you texting?
Me: Kate
Dad: Jeez Jode, you text Kate more then you text your boyfriend
Me: Dad, I don't have a boyfriend
Dad: *Very confused face*
Apparently for some reason, my dad thought I had a boyfriend even though I've been single for over a year

Reading Books

I hate reading really good books that are really good and I love them but then they end with like a bizillion cliff hangers and everything and the second book doesn't come out for like another year!!!

This is Halloween

Jamie and I were listening and singing along to This is Halloween
Jamie and I: I am the one hiding under your stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
Tayler: Well then maybe you should wash your hair!

Phineas and Ferb songs

Is it strange that Phineas and Ferb songs put me in a really really good mood??

My best friend

Is my best friend Kelly or Lea? I don't know

Greats things

Great things about today!
  • Freaking out when you find Phineas and Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension on DVD and not even looking at the price before buying it and getting so excited to build the Platapus that comes with it
  • Going into Hallmark and buying a couple of cards and the clerks tell you when new Disney things will be coming in because they know you as "The Girl who always comes in and looks at the Disney stuff"

This morning

So I've actually been having a pretty good morning so far =)
  • Painted my nails and didn't do a totally shitty job on my right hand
  • Wearing a new outfit I got in LA
  • Did my hair different then how I usually do it and I think it looks really pretty
  • Went upstairs and found the mail and saw that my Postcard from Nicole has arrived!
  • I can't wait to get outside cause it looks soooo nice !!
  • I'm going to the mall with my Best friend Kate today


54 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
275 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Our Idiot Brother

I saw Our Idiot Brother in theatres the other day and personal I thought it was so cute.
It for sure had it's funny moments where I found myself dying of laughter
But Paul Rudd's character was probably the cutest person ever and I loved him right off the bat!
I think everyone should be like him!
Just going through life, day by day and loving everything as much as you can
I really hope others enjoy this movie too, I thought it was super cute and I loved it


I offically hate my dreams!
I hate having dreams where theres a guy who actually likes me and wants to be with me because when I wake up for a moment I feel happy but then I remember that it was just that, just a dream.
Dreams, stop reminding me that I'm alone and that no one likes me enough to wait for me at work to get off just so they can talk to me.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Seaon 4

Just finished The Office Season 4!
Time for Season 5!

Free Slurpees!

You know what's awesome !
Thanks work =D

Working with Andreea

Andreea and I have way too much fun at work together!

I think I'm gunna buy an entire bag of grapes and on my break see how many I can fit in my mouth at one time!!

Andreea to her BF: Do you think it's sexy that I can fit 8 grapes in my mouth?
Andreea's BF: No
Andreea: He doesn't think it's sexy!
Me: What?!?! Break up with him now!
Andreea: Defs not a keeper

Dear Mr Pott, we are pleased to inform you that you have NOT been excepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardary...HA! Love Jodey and Andreaa!

Oh Disney

"I don't know what brought you here, fate, destiny"
"A horse"


So I decided to go for a run this morning. So I woke up at 10, got ready and went for a run. Neither my mom or my brother was up when I left or when I got home at 11. I right away hopped in the shower when I got home and now I'm watching Tangled with my bro.
Mom: Jodey, you went for a run?
Me: Yes
Mom: And you're back already?
Me: I left at like 10 !
Mom: Oh really?
Jamie: Yeah mom, I saw her *winks at me*

Saturday 27 August 2011


Jim and Pam

cinnamon toast crunch

Eating cinnamon toast crunch for the first time in years!!!!!

Pam & Dwight

*Pam crying in the hallway*
Dwight: Who did this to you? Where is he?

Secret Shout out

Making a secret blog for someone who secretly loves my blog but thinks he's to cool to admit it!
You know you read everyone of them and would comment on them if you didn't think you were to cool for them!
I love you anyway for loving my blog in secret


I would sooo marry Andy if he asked me!
He would sing to me and be the greatest boyfriend ever!
I think I'm in love with him times ten!

Bright Red Shoes

Dear world,
Just cause I love bright red shoes and have like a zillion pairs does not mean I follow the yellow brick road or think that there's no place like home. So stop asking me!!!!
Sincerely Me!
you're all just jealous of my bright red shoes!

Friday 26 August 2011

True Friend

A true friend doesn't care when you're broke, being grumpy, what you weigh, if you don't see them for months, if your house is a mess, what you drive, about your past, or if your family is filled with crazy people. Your conversations pick up where they left off, even if they have been years apart. They love you ... for who you are.

Six Flags !!

Thursday 25 August 2011


58 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
279 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Trip with my sis

So happy to be home from my trip
Probably one of the best trips I've ever been on
I felt so mature paying for everything myself
And now I'm not scared to go to Disneyland with Kate in June !!

Stuff I bought

Went shopping with my Sis yesterday in LA
  • A new jacket
  • Two shirts
  • Batman cape
  • Robot ring
  • Jeans
  • Cell Phone case
  • Scarfs
  • Boots
  • Pj pants
And I think that's it

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Six Flags with my Sister

So yesterday I went to Six Flags for the first time in my life with my sis, Tay!!!
I had so much fun on all the roller coasters and listening Tay freak out on all the rides, before they even started
  • Screaming on the roller coaster when the lap bar fell down
  • Comparing ourselves to little kids on if we'd be able to survive the rides
  • Tay: I'm gunna die! Worker: You'll be fine
  • Tayler freaking out as we go up the huge hill
  • "There's ANOTHER hill!!!"
  • Batman and Superman capes
  • Scaring the other riders before they start the ride
  • Breaking our necks on the Green Lantern
  • Making friends with fellow riders
  • Getting maps from other people and then losing them ten minutes later on the water rides
  • Funny ride pictures
This is the best trip ever !!!  I love you Tay Tay !!!

Sunday 21 August 2011

The Office

Just finished season 3!!!
And as soon as I get back, season 4 will begin !!!
Favourite season cause Pam and Jim are FINALLLLLLLYYYY together !!!!
But now it's bedtime !!!!


I don't understand how someone can go from being the person who trusted and cared for me more then anyone else in the entire world, to never speaking to me unless no one else is around to see.
Thanks, I guess I'm nothing but an embarrassment to you now

Six Flags

Flying to LA tomorrow and on Tuesday, I'll be going to Six Flags Magic Mountain!!!
So pumped to ride all the coasters!!
Even more pumped to go on this trip with my sis!!


Leaving tomorrow morning and we have yet to decide whether we are going to
California to go to Six Flags Magic Mountain
Or New York City to see the Harry Potter exhibit and maybe a Broadway show


53 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
284 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Saturday 20 August 2011


54 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
285 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!


I have an addiction right now to making houses on Sims
and editing pictures!
I can not wait to get my Mac Book so I can learn all the cool ways to edit pictures on that !!


Weather in New York
27 degrees
Weather in LA
26 degrees

Well at least I know that no matter where I go, pack basically the same kind of stuff

Six Flags

Might be going here instead of New York

Pam and Jim

It still makes me cry when Jim first tells Pam that he loves her
Probably the cutest couple ever
I love them

Friday 19 August 2011


Life is to short to count calories and say no to Ice Cream

Photo Albums

Since I just got paid sooo much!
I really want to go to Wal-mart and get all my pictures printed for my High School Memories album!
I also have my Disney album that I want to use for my trip to Disney with Kate
And I want to get started on that one too but I have to keep reminding myself that we have ot gone to Disneyland yet =)


I'm so surprised after paying my Mastercard bill and my cell phone bill how rich I still am! I love when I have money!


I offically own all 10 seasons of Friends !!!!

New York

Watching The Office really makes me want to go to New York on Monday cause Micheal went to New York and was showing everyone around and now I really want to go! I know Tay and I are going to go somewhere else if we don't go to New York but I still want to go there more then anything! Like how much fun will that be???
We need to figure out soon whether or not we are going though cause I have to work everynight till we go


55 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
286 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Thursday 18 August 2011

Grad Party

Had such a blast at my Grad Party yesterday with my best friends and my family!!
I love you all so much and thank you for making that party worth the wait
  • Making Smores on the BBQ
  • Mickey Mouse earrings
  • Feeding cake to my wifey
  • All my awesome gifts from everyone
  • Lexy's random crying
  • Sitting outside on the deck with friends and family
  • My DVD presentation from Tay
  • Surprises
  • Phase 10
So thank you everyone !! I love you all so much <3

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Grad party

Finally having my grad party today !!!
And I have NO idea what to wear !!!

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Heated Floors

Dear Heated floors in my bathroom
Marry me!
Sincerely, Jodey's feet

The Help

I saw The Help the other night with Hillary and I honestly had no idea what it was about going in.
I knew it was about maids and that's literally it.
It was so amazing though! I completly loved it so much and I am excited to buy it on DVD when it comes out cause I know it's a movie my mom will like.
It was so amazing to see how life used to be like for people and what some people were put through because of what they looked like.
There were some people in the movie I was considently saying that I wanted to throw my shoe at them and then there were others I wanted to give the biggest hug too.
I really think anyone will enjoy this movie. It's very heartfelt and had a bunch of funny moments too where I was holding my stomach because I was laughing so hard.
Everyone should see this movie. It's very good and then after it, everyone should read the book


58 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
289 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Sunday 14 August 2011

Hillary !!!

Going to go hang out with Hillary tonight for the first time this summer!! So excited
=) !!!

New York

So!!! I might be going to New York for 4 days with my sister next week....No big deal or anything

Sexy legs

My legs after a day of painting a work

Orange shirts

I thought I worked at a grocery store...not a pumpkin patch

Grad Present

Auntie Sandy got me this awesome TV(Larry) and DVD player(Bob) for my room!
I set it up all on my own the other night and to celibrate I watched Despicable me! 
I love them soo much!
Now I can watch movies in my room at night on a good screen and not a portable DVD player
and I can have friends over and we can watch scary movies without my little brother !!


60 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
291 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Friday 12 August 2011

Heritage Park

It's nice to go back to those places you never go with those who you love and remember why you used to love things. I wish I could go back in time and live like how they used to live. Sometimes all I wish for is a simple life


62 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
293 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Thursday 11 August 2011

So annoyed

Last Night
Me: Dad, I have the day off, do you want me to come help with the house?
Dad: No I'm not even going to the house so don't worry about it
Me: Ok

This Morning
G-ma: Do you want to come over and help scrapbook?
Me: Yes please
G-ma: Ok, I'll come get you in a little bit
Me: Mom, I'm going over to help scrapbook in a bit
Mom: ok

Mom: As soon as Jamie's friends leave we're going to the house to paint
Me: ??? Umm no, I'm going to scrapbook now! I asked yesterday if we were going and dad said no
Mom: Well now we're going
Me: No! I want to go scrapbook now! I asked yestrday if you guys wanted my help and dad said no, so now I'm going to help G-ma! She's on her way to get me. Do you want me to just call her and say that I can't help her anymore?
Mom: Yes.

Like really? I would have gone today to help at the house but dad said he didn't need any help so I made other plans for my day off! Stop making me feel bad when you are the one telling me to change my plans at the last minute! It's because of reasons like this that I would much rather go scrapbook then help you paint!


63 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
294 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Plot Line

My super intense plot line for my story "The Plot and Murder Of Charlie Parker"
Worked on it at work and when I got off while watching some movies.
Took me a grand total of 6 hours.
Pretty proud of it. It's just kinda hard to understand right now

Wednesday 10 August 2011


Dear HMV, I am so mad at your right now! You have no idea! I'm trying to save money! How dare you allow Beastly to come out on DVD while I'm trying my hardest to keep cash in the bank! But you just had to sell the awesome Beastly movie that features my future husband Alex Pettyfer as well as my new found lover, Neil Patrick Harris! Damn you HMV!!!


64 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
295 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!

Crazy, Stupid, Love

Okay, right off the bat, I have to say, I LOVED this movie! 1: Steve Carell who I think is the funniest person ever ! He is my favourite type of humour and I love him to death. 2: Ryan Gosling is probably the most gorgeous guy ever !! He is in my top 5 lol.
But anyways, it was a really cute story and I loved how it all turned out in the end. It was kinda a really cute story and I was probably laughing the entire time! It was so funny and adorable. I recommend it to everyone. Maybe not children but everyone whose my age will enjoy it! It was so cute and I loved it to death and I have full intentions of buying it when it comes out on DVD.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Candy & Movies

Rock candy from heritage park
& my new movies,
Jumanji, Beastly and Sherlock Holmes
Hoping it'll brighten up my evening

Depressing evening

I'm having an extremily depressing evening where nothing is going right so even little things like the fact that I can't get onto Mircsoft word is making me upset. I've covered in bug bites and scratches from work today. I'm still tired from walking up and down those stairs a zillion times. All I want is some time alone to watch Teen Mom, but of course, not even that is gunna happen cause Jamie is being so annoying and wants to watch with me. All I want is to lay in bed and watch some of my new movies, but I can't do that cause I can't find my DVD player and I have yet to have my grad party yet so I don't have Bob and Larry in my room. This has not been the greatest day at all and I just want to go to bed now so I can go to sleep and it'll be over quicker.


I wish I was good at something....

Stuff I miss

  1. Having someone to text all hours of the night when I can't fall asleep during the summer
  2. Someone to miss when they aren't there and have them miss me too
  3. A person that'll go for a walk with me when the weather is nice when my family is away and my friends are busy
  4. Someone who'll hold my hand on those walks
  5. A guy to share ice cream with while we watch a movie
  6. Being tickled even though I hate it more then anything in the world

Kate's house!

So on Kate's street it goes:
Kate's House, Richard's (Dick's) house, House for Sale
I'm thinking I kind of want to move into House for Sale, that way
  1. It's the quickest walk EVER to Kate's place
  2. We have the same crazy neighbour   =P


Ross: If anyone should be phased out it should be me, I mean there are plenty of people who only see their sisters at Thanksgiving, or their college room mates at reunions and Joey at...Burger King


*Joey, Monica, Pheobe are stuck in a room together*
Joey: I hid this box in here in case Ross and Rachel ever had another huge fight so we have food and stuff to do
Chandler: Candy bars, games, gum...condoms??
Joey: Well I don't know how long we're going to be stuck in here. We may have to re-populate the world
Chandler: And condoms are the way to do that??


65 More Days till We Day with Sam !!
296 More Days till Disneyland with Kate !!


Worked up such a sweat today at work!!
Carrying garbage up and down stairs to the garbage bin
Saw about 16 spiders !!! Cut my leg so bad it was beautiful and bloody

The Smurfs

So a couple days ago, Heather and I went and saw The Smurfs movie.
It was a lot better and cuter then I thought it was going to be. I honestly have no idea what was going to happen or how it was going to end. I fell in love with Gargemel and love the fact that he was David on Friends. It was so cute and I think a lot of kids will like it. Considering how many kids were in the theatre lol.
I did find myself laughing quite a lot. It was really cute and had a lot of funny moments.

Monday 8 August 2011

The Plot and Murder of Charlie Parker: Excerpt

Douglas Mitchell

I waited all night for the perfect moment. I had everything ready. Tucker’s Swiss army knife which I had yet to touch without gloved hands. Charlie would not get away with breaking my heart for a basketball player. The thought of it made me sick.
            “It’s kind of spooky out,” Charlie said to Tucker, cuddling closer to him as they walked along the forest path. I kept a far enough distance so they couldn’t hear me and if they saw me, they wouldn’t recognize me.
            “It’s not that bad,” Tucker said, wrapping his arm around Charlie’s shoulders. Just the sight of this made me want stop in my tracks and vomit. But I kept going.
            I could barely hear the rest of their conversation. I couldn’t tell if they were speaking in whispers or if they weren’t talking at all.
            Finally, I heard Tucker say, “I’ll race you to the end of the path.” He let go of Charlie and took off.
            “Tuck,” she giggled, following after him in a slow jog.
            This was my chance. I sprinted forward catching up to Charlie, then dove into the trees so she wouldn’t see me. I waited until Tucker was completely out of sight to make my move.
            “Tuck,” she called again, pulling out her cell phone and looking down at the bright screen. I jumped out behind her and grabbed her by the sweater, pulling her into the trees. She dropped her phone as I held my hand over her mouth, feeling her try to scream. “Who are you?” I made out through her muffled words.
            I knew as soon as Tucker realized Charlie hadn’t followed him, he’d come looking, so I had to be quick. I pulled out the Swiss army knife and flicked open one of the blades I had recently sharpened. I felt a cry of terror in her voice when she saw the knife.
            I grinned and stabbed it into her stomach quickly three times. I felt her gasp for breath. Three more stabs and I removed my hand from her mouth because I knew she would be too weak to scream.
            I was right. As soon as I let go of her, her knees gave out and she crumbled down to the wet grass. She held her bleeding wound and gasped out the word, Tucker.
            I plunged the blade into her side quickly. I repeated the stab so many time, I lost track of how many times it actually was.
            When I saw that she was taking her last breaths, I kicked her over so she was lying on her back. I wanted to be the last person she saw before she died. “Mister” - She coughed up blood and it ran down her face. “Mr. Mitchell?”
            I grinned even wider and dropped the knife on her body.
            As soon as I heard the sound of Tucker’s voice coming closer, I ran. I had debated about this moment for the longest time. Did I want to stay and watch when Tucker found her or not? At the last second, I decided to watch from a distance.
            “Charlie?” he shouted into the empty forest. “Where are you?” He wandered around, searching for her. When he came across the cell phone she had dropped, slowly, he bent down to pick it up. “Charlie,” he cried again, “come on, you’re really starting to freak me out!” He looked around confused, not knowing where his girlfriend had gone.
            It was then that I realised, I hadn’t finished what I started. A tiny whimper came from where I left Charlie’s dying body. She wasn’t dead yet.
            Tucker looked up, towards the noise and ran. Then in the dark, he found her.
            “Charlie,” he cried, falling down to her side and holding her in his arms as he began to cry. “Charlie,” he said as the tears fell down his face. More and more, she spat out blood, trying to talk to him, but nothing came out.
            He held the phone in his hand and dialled.
            “Hello,” he said, “I need help…my girlfriend…she’s hurt.” He was crying so much, it was hard to understand him.
            But as much as I wanted to watch this for longer, I knew I had to make my escape, the police would be on there way. I couldn’t be anywhere near here if I didn’t want to get caught. If I was hiding in the bushes, I knew they wouldn’t believe that Tucker had actually killed Charlie.

Hating people

I have come to the conclussion that hating people is like living with regrets.
They are a waste of time and pointless obsessing over it.
I am now trying my hardest to not hate anyone because even though they may have done something to me, hating them behind they're back will only ever hurt me more.
So from now on, I won't hate anyone.
But as much as I say that, you're pretty damn close to being the first on my list for if I did hate people.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Dancing ex-boyfriends

Blue Moon

Don't let those Blue Moon Moments pass you by


Dear Disney,
I'm so sad that I didn't get the job with you, but I would like to thank you because it was through my face-to-face interview that I met my new and awesome friend Heather!
Had such a blast last night hanging out with you Heather, going to the movie and just sitting around talking. I can't believe 10 minutes suddenly turned into 12:15! That was so funny !! We need to hang out again! There's so much more we need to have long conversations like that again!!!
So as upset as I am that I'm not moving Floridia, thank you for my new friend

Saturday 6 August 2011


Being normal is overrated
It takes people who are obessed with the childness of Phineas and Ferb
As well as the gore and blood of the Saw series
to make the world go round

<3 Meghan


Here are 5 things in life you cannot recover: A stone...after it's thrown. A word...after it is said. An occasion...after it's missed. The time...after it's gone. A person...after they die. Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably; And never regret anything that made you smile, Enjoy Life!!


Thank you to all those people who couldn't make it to my birthday party when I turned 18
It was my very first time going out EVER and out of all the people I invited, 3 people showed up.
A few of them didn't even tell me that they couldn't make it until that very day when I was getting ready.
It's nice to know that now you can make it to every f ing party out there but the one time I invite you to share my birthday with me, then you can't make it!
It's great to know how much I mean to people. I'm learning so much about you guys in the last few weeks
  1. You talk about me behind my back and totally make fun of me when I did nothing wrong to you
  2. You treat me like shit, acting like every LITTLE thing I do is wrong and you have to fix it
  3. I thought you guys were my friends, I mean we talk and everything and I have a good time being with you, but when I'm not there, it's great to know I'm the butt of the joke
  4. No matter what I say or do, nothing is going to change about how you treat me

Behind my back

Thank you,
Now I offically know that you mother f ers talk about me and make fun of me behind my back!
Screw you!
I've done nothing to you and you treat me like shit and I'm done !
It's because of the way I'm treated that makes me want to quit so f ing bad !
It's not even funny !

Grad Present

 Got a grad present from my little bro last night =)
It's the cutest bracelet ever. It's a clear heart and at the store you got to pick out little charms to go inside. He got me a heart with puppy dog prints like my tattoo. A silver corss, a pink heart that's my birth stone and to be like Disney, he picked out a little blue circle that says "Follow Your Drwams"!
It's so beautiful and I love it!
Thanks Jamie <3 You're the best

Friday 5 August 2011


‎15 Year old girl holds hands with her 1 year old son. People call her a "slut", no one knows she was raped at 13. People call another guy "fat". No one knows he has a serious disease causing him to be overweight. People call an old man "ugly". No one knew he had a serious injury to his face while fighting for your country in the war. Re-post this if you are against bullying and stereotyping. I bet 89% of you won't


I don't understand,
did I do something to offend you in some way?
Last time I checked, I did nothing wrong
So please explain to me why you hate me and are a total bitch to me ALL THE F ING TIME !!

Phineas and Ferb

There were ads for it in People Magizine
There was an article about it in the newspaper


I thought it was only certain people who stopped inviting me to anything
I was wrong, looks like NO ONE is inviting me to anything anymore
Thanks "friends"

Phineas and Ferb

I CAN NOT believe I'm missing the Phineas and Ferb marathon today cause of my dentist appointment
AND that I'll be missing the movie tonight cause I have to work !!


I hate dreaming about being with people who don't actually exactly exist
It makes waking up even harder cause I know they'll be gone when I open my eyes


My parents are coming home tonight ! But I probably won't see them till later tomorrow cause I have to work till 10:30 tonight and I have an early shift tomorrow morning
Need to probably start telling them about my plans to go to Disneyland next year with Kate. This way, Kate and I can really get on planning our trip and I can begin a countdown till the day we go =) !!

Thursday 4 August 2011

Saw Drinking Game

Drinking game to play while watching the Saw movies
Take a sip every time someone says the F word
You are guaranteed to be wasted by the end of the movie


So excited to get the stitches out of my mouth tomorrow =)

Random music

*Watching Saw 5 with Michela*
Michela: can you pause it? I want to go get the chips from last night
Me: Yeah sure. *pauses movie*
Michela: *runs upstairs and begins to look for chips* Hey Jodey, where are they?
Me: They should be in the pantry *runs upstairs to look. Can't find them* Hmm Tay must have finished them
*Random how down type music begins to play*
Me: What the hell is that???

Holy Smokes !!

Where the heck did this come from??

Wednesday 3 August 2011


Dear Kate,
I love how these days, when we make plans to go to the mall or something, we don't even plan times anymore. We just know!
Made plans today to go to the mall on a later day and literally, all we had to plan was the day. By this point in our friendship, we just know, whenever we go to the mall, we just know.
Meet at Sobeys at 11, catch the bus at the same stop, go to the mall, have lunch and shopping.
This is why I love you. It's so easy to make plans with you


I am so excited for my paycheck tomorrow !!
It's going to be awesome times a million !!

I want children

distressed letters from children

Dear mommy and daddy,
I am running away from home because you said I farted when I didn't
from Jake
ps, you're mean

17 year olds

Dear Michela, one of the reasons I don't have sleepovers at my house anymore
is cause you find my 11 year old brothers toys and play with them

Saw 3

Loves watching Saw 3 with Michela while the both of us are on our laptops
We're nothing but a bunch of winners !!

Saw 2

Dear Eric Matthews,
Game Over

Quick Shifts

I was super happy that my shift on Saturday and Sunday went by so quick
I was hoping since I was working so much, most of my shifts would go by fast
Except my shift Monday, went by slower then a cow on a broken treadmill !
It was SUICIDE how slow it was

Man outside my window

Dear man outside my window, preaching about God

No Regrets

Life is to short to live it with any regrets

Tuesday 2 August 2011

I'm really sorry

I am really sorry I hurt you by saying that you hate me when honestly there is no reason for either of us to hate each other. I'm sorry because I was really upset that day about a lot of things and I didn't mean to take it out on you.
I hope you know that I am sorry. I really didn't mean for this blog to hurt anyone. It is just my way of talking about my life and sometimes when I'm upset about little things along with a lot bigger things, it helps me to rant a little. I sorry that I hurt someone by doing this and I do hope to earn forgiveness.

Remind Me- Brad Paisley & Carrie Underwood

I have kinda fallen in love with this song =)

Alfred Angelo

This wedding dress was designed by the same man who designed my Belle Grad dress. I didn't know until after I bought the dress that my dress was part of his Disney Prom collection and when I reserched him, I also learned that he has a Disney Fairy Tale Weddings collection! This is is the Belle dress in the collection and even though I am only 18, I know that this is the dress I want to wear on my wedding day when I get married in Disneyland
Paying tribute to Belle's warm and gracious spirit, the gown features a draped satin and crystal beaded corset with subtle hints of gold metallic embroidery.  A detachable shrug and draped net pick-up skirt create added grandeur.