Wednesday 31 July 2013

I love...

I love Disney and Sharks...
...That's about it


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Story of my Life

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Drivers Ed & Work

Don't you love when you're schedules just work out so perfectly?
I am all signed up for my drivers Ed classes on the 6, 7 and 8th
And I have the 7th and 8th off work. On the 6th, my class is from 9AM-2PM and I don't start work till 5:30 PM that day!!! Like could it be more perfect?
Now I can focus on doing my Drivers Ed so I can finally get my licence !!

Sad weather

Why is it nice on days I have to work, so I have to wear long pants, but then on my days off, it's cold so I still have to wear long pants? I wanna wear shorts at least 3 more times before fall sets in!

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Tuesday 30 July 2013


I must be getting really good at driving!! My grandpa picked me up to take me to work, and I sat in the passenger seat and he's like, how would you like to drive? So I drove and he didn't make any bad comments or anything. He just sat there joking the whole time! I think once I finish drivers Ed, I will have my licence in a heartbeat!

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Spend over an hour cleaning the bathroom!
I swear if someone says something is wrong with it, I will biff them in the face!

Oh Disney

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Monday 29 July 2013

You are Important

You are important
You will do amazing things in your life
But you have to help yourself and listen to people who try to help you
You have to turn away from those who are holding you back
It's time you tok your life into your own hands and said, this is what I want to do with my life, and this is how I am going to do it!
I want you to be a more positive person! I want you to be happy with your life!

Costco over Sobeys

Tonight, I am scheduled 4:30-9:30. I start one hour later then I usually started at Sobeys, and I finish one hour earlier! Plus, I get paid $1.75 an hour more then I was making at Sobeys! And the best part is, that's my starting wage! I had to work at Sobeys for 4 years before working myself up to 11 bucks an hour!

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Drive through

Went through a drive through for the first time today to get lunch with my grandma!
I totally want my grandpa's car! It drives so nicely!!

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Sunday 28 July 2013


So I went through and cleaned out my closet
Jeans: 5
Shorts: 11
Sweat Pants: 7
Yoga pants: 9

Too bad the only thing I own I can wear to work is my jeans =(
No lululemon pants at work for Jodey


Cleaning my room while watching Jurassic Park?
I think so !


Well... I lost my bag of a million bobby pins!
I literally have 4 bobby pins to my name

Caity's Last Rodeo

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If anyone wants to buy me JAWS, I would love you forever!!!

New Movies

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New movies for my collection!

Some Pictures from my Trip to Europe

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This evening

My plans for the evening
Organize my pictures on Facebook!
Then pop in a movie and clean my room since I have to give it up for when company comes over !!

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Bad movie

I really can not enjoy my break when Resistant Evil is playing in the lunch room!!!
Good lord I hate this movie!

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Thank you Shayne for helping me with my shifts so I can get next weekend off for my cousins wedding!
Thanks for helping me, giving me shifts that work good for me that weekend and giving me the days off I need!! You have made my work day so much better

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I am so sick of being treated like I can't do anything right
People treat me like I'm not old enough
Pretty enough
Skinny enough
Smart enough
And I can't handle it anymore
I am a good person and I think I deserve to be treated with some respect from people who tell me that they love me!
Well clearly, I'm not the most important thing ever to you cause from the way you treat me, it's like you think of me as some kind of burden that you have to put up with
I am literally done and if people continue to treat me like this, I am seriously going to have to start cutting people out of my life to make myself happy

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So annoyed with work! They promised they would change my schedule so I'd have next weekend off for my cousins wedding. Just checked it, and nothing has changed. Still working everyday when I told them a million times that I needed Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday off!
Like I feel so annoying that I have to bug them about this over and over again! But seriously, it's not like it's a hard thing to remember!
Or maybe is it because I'm new they think my schedule doesn't matter compared to everyone else's!

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Ex boyfriend

I saw you last night, you're still just as ugly as you were when you cheated on my sister!

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Friday 26 July 2013


Trying to get used to my heels for the wedding and Zac helped by massaging my feet! Even with the shoes on!!

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You know it's a good day when you go and get a slurped with your brother and they have your 2 favourite flavours!!!!

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Staggete Party

Going out to Banff tonight after work with Caity and the other Bridesmaids for her Staggete party!
It's going to be fun!!!! I can not wait!

Shark Jokes

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Too early

I set my alarm for 9:30 this morning because I work at 11:30 and I needed to shower this morning
After waking up over and over again between the hours of 6AM and 8AM, I finally decided to get up.
I didn't realize I got up at 8:30...
Now I am completely ready! All I need to do is have breakfast!
And it's not even 10! I don't have to leave for work till 11!
Guess I'm going to sit in my room and play on my laptop for a little while

Wednesday 24 July 2013


Toothless the Dragon from How to Train your Dragon reminds me of my Pepper Dog!
I love this movie, but it makes me so sad cause I miss my Pepper Dog so much =(


I wish I would have waited until after my cousins wedding to get a job!!!
So freaking stressed right now!!!

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I don't care what anyone says!
Sharks are beautiful and amazing creatures and I believe they have every right to be protected!
They have been on our planet since the dinosaurs and since the dawn of mankind, they have quickly become endangered due to human greed!



Someone explain something to me!
How come my jeans that are a size 10 (wow, I am going to put my pant size on the internet! Does that make me brave or what?) fit so snug and they are cozy and comfy and don't need a belt
But my size 8 jeans are way to big!! And they are brand new! So it's not like I wore them out and now I have lost weight and they don't fit!
No! Both pairs of jeans are skinny jeans
Both are from American Eagle
The size 10's are older. I think I got them before I moved to Florida
But the size 8's I literally got a few weeks after I moved home!
Like what the heck?


So I have been told I need to call work and get them to give me next weekend off!
Like I understand that I need it off cause of the wedding, but I'm so freaking nervous!
And I'm worried they are going to freak out at me!

Tuesday 23 July 2013


Tonight is a night where I lay in bed and watch 16 and Pregnant or Teen Mom cause I have not had a good evening at all!

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Third day at work ... Not as great as my last day

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New Shoes

First thing I am going to buy when I get my first pay check, is a brand spanking new pair of Toms!!

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No work out for me

So I finally get dressed in my running gear and go upstairs to go for a run.
Mother: Where are you going?
Me: For a run
Mother: Well we are leaving in like 5 minutes!
Me: Oh... Well I have to shower and I was going to go for a run
Mother: No! We are leaving soon!

So I guess no work out for Jodey

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My sweater

I literally spent 6 minutes looking for my sweater and was freaking out cause I could not find it!
It was hung up in my closet!
When the heck did I become so neat?

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Clean drawers!

Hazah! Finally cleaned out my drawers since moving home from Florida!!
Now my clothes are all organized!

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Work out

Really needing some motivation right now to go work out!

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Getting so annoyed!
My mother told me yesterday she wants me to go through a bag of old clothes I put in the guest room before I moved. And she wants me to have it done before I go to work!
She has now come into my room 6 times to remind me!
Crazy lady! I do not work until 6 PM tonight, there is lots of time for me to go through the clothes!
Besides I know just from looking at these clothes that I decided before I moved to Florida that they were all give away clothes!
Could you just do me a favour and go back to work please and leave me in peace?

Sunday 21 July 2013


Adam: Do you want to make waffles with syrup?
Me: The way you say that makes it sound sexual
Adam: *In a sexual voice* In your mouth!

Friday 19 July 2013

Funeral home ?

So Facebook suggested pages I might like, one of them being a funeral home in Drumheller???
What the heck?

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Finished my work orientation at Costco! Not as cool as orientation at Disney! But I'm so happy to have a job!!
And now I think I'll go camping with my boy <3

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Thursday 18 July 2013

No music

Left my iPod at my Grandma's house! How the heck am I suppose to go for a run without music?

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Monday 15 July 2013

Wedding Planning

Went to my cousins hair and make up trial for her wedding today!
Tried on my bridesmaid dress (it's too big)
Got my earrings for the wedding
And be dazzled a cowboy hat for the staggete party!
I'm getting so excited for the wedding!
Hoping I can get the days off I need for it when I get a job!


Why was I ever friends with you!?
I look back and think, jeez! You were a total bitch to me!
I remember the moment you told me that I was one of the people in Florida that you would stay really good friends with even after our program was over!
You are such a fake piece of shit!
Clearly you don't care about me, considering you haven't made an effort to even say hello to me in just about 8 months! You never once texted me and asked how I was or if I wanted to do something.
Fuck you!
You are a bitch! And I hope you get what you fucking deserve!
The funny thing is too that everyone warned me about you too! Everyone was like, she seems really fricken fake and like a total bitch.
And I was like, oh no! She's so nice! She's such a sweetheart!
Yeah right!


Got a job interview! Life is starting to look up!

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Going to Bow Valley College today to try and see if I can apply for a course!
Really looking forward to it!
Is it weird that I'm excited to be going back to school?

Sunday 14 July 2013

Disney friends

Wishing I could see my Disney friends! I miss hanging out and going to the parks and stuff after work or on weekends! You guys had such a strong impact on my life and you will forever be in my heart

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Gross! I got shit on my hand!!

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Fake Dole Whip

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Saturday 13 July 2013


You know what would be awesome right now? The power of teleportation!!!!

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My hair

Makes me sad when I spend so much time doing my hair and it looks so nice! Then I have to take it out at the end of the day :(

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Mickey socks

My solution after having not so great of an evening?
Curl up in bed, watch a good movie, and wear Mickey Mouse socks !!!!

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Some People

I'm so happy there are people in my life who actually try to make me happy and make me smile! Thank you to those people who see when I'm sad and text me and talk to me and help me smile again. I'm talking, my best friends, my boyfriend. These people are ALWAYS there for me! It's surprising to see that these people tend to care about me more then my own family members!

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Why is every member of my family treating me like I can't do anything! I'm so sick of being treated like shit! Like I'm stupid and incapable of doing anything!

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Monsters University

Monsters University times 2!!!!

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I'm bored!!

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Hating this

Did I do something wrong that everyone who I used to be friends with doesn't seem to care about me anymore?
Cause it seems like everyone I used to be friends with no longer cares to even write me a message and ask how I'm doing anymore

Friday 12 July 2013


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I'm just going to assume that the world does not want me to have a job, considering I went to the computer to print off my resume. The computer wouldn't turn on.
I tried plugging in my sisters laptop to print. Her laptop was dead. Charger no where to be found.
And now it's taking 15 years to install the printer onto my laptop to print from my laptop!


My skinned knee and bruised leg from my tumble in Mykonos

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Didn't get to go to Stampede last year! But I'm sure as hell going this year!
Just cause I got home from vacation the second last day of Stampede, doesn't mean I can't go today!!!

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Glad to be home

In Athens, I saw the Parthenon! Something I've wanted to see since I first studied Ancient Greece in grade 6!
In Rhodes, we rode a banana boat, stood up on it and swam through a cave!
In Santorini, we rode donkeys up a crazy hill that we later walked down, and got fish pedicures!
In Mykonos, I attempted to ride a scooter through the crazy Greek roads! I fell off and skinned my knee, my hand and bruised my leg!
In Rome we walked through the Sistine Chapel and the Coliseum!
It was a wonderful trip! But I'm happy to be home :)

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