Sunday 30 September 2012


It's Midnight!
That means, that today is the day!
My vacation begins today and Adam will be here soon!
His plane will be landing in Orlando in less then 12 hours now!
And he'll hopefully be arriving at the resort in around 12 hours!
Need to get some sleep though
I have an early morning ahead of me =)

High School

Ah High School!
How I miss you
And don't miss you
all at the same time


He's on the plane!
It's probably in the air now!
I want him to be here with me now!
SOOOOOOO close!!!
I can not wait to see you Adam!!!

Oh Spiderman


Once Upon A Time

Just finished the episode of Once Upon a Time with Beauty and the Beast!
So freaking amazing!!
It was so sad and so intense all at the same time!
Plus I loved that Emilie de Ravin played Belle!

Metro PCS

Dear phone company!!!
Let me pay my f***ing bill!

Giant Spider!

Giant spider in Sam's car that would not die!
So freaking terrifying !!!!


On the Episode of Once Upon a Time with Belle!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dear Adam!
Time to get up!
You have things to pack and a plane to catch!


False alarm!
Everything is ok!

The f***?

Just when I thought my schedule was suppose to be all good,
now I have another problem I have to deal with


He's getting on a plane tonight!
And landing here tomorrow morning!
So looking forward to spending a whole week with you Adam!
I missed you so much!

Saturday 29 September 2012

My evening

Packing and Once Upon a Time?
Sounds like a plan!

One More

One more day left to work!
One more shift!
Then I have a whole week off!
A whole week to spend with you!
I can't believe it's finally here!

Work Problems

Today's winner: You're from Canada? So do you know what the Internet is?

Birthday Present

Got my very first Birthday Present today!
A lovely card from Nicole!
Thanks Hun 
<3 Love you and miss you


Dressed! Ready to go!
Still have 2 and a half hours before work
....and I'm starving

My Lame Life

It's that time of day again
That time where I need to get off my ass
Stop making blogs
And actually get ready for the day


I do not want to go to work today!
Sucks I have to work until 10:30 tonight!
But whatever
Get off earlier tomorrow and I have 2 days left to work then ADAM COMES and I have a whole week off !!!


Adam Arrives
-->2 Days
Moving in with Heather
-->15 Days

Friday 28 September 2012

Thank you

Thank you Lindsey!!!
You are honestly my hero! I know all you're doing is extending a couple hours
But because of that, I can now have the birthday I planned!
You are the best!
Thank you times ten million!


Not looking forward to tomorrow at all!
Can't believe how tired I was after only working until 10:15
How exhausted am I going to be tomorrow after working 10:30?
Well I guess I did have a really long (and stressful) shift.
Oh well. Only 2 more days then I have a week off!


Dear Monday, you can not come soon enough!
3 More Days

Don't Even

I'm not going to apologize for something that isn't even my fault
I am sorry that people can not keep there mouths shut, but that's not my problem

My Blog

Back to people telling me what I should and shouldn't post on my blog!
Again, it's MY blog! If you don't like it, don't read it!

Thursday 27 September 2012


Sometimes still feeling like I'm completely and totally ignored here...
Wishing my friends back home were here. I miss you guys!



Epcot Food & Wine

Let it Begin!


How come after deciding I want a JAWS shirt and searching Universal for one with no luck, now I see about ten million people walking around wearing them?!?!
Where are they getting them and why aren't they giving them to me?


Got everything I need for next week into my suitcase!
So excited and pumped for Adam to be here!
Now if I could just get my shift next week figured out!

Wednesday 26 September 2012


So pissed right now!
Thought you were reliable! Thought I could trust you!
Nope, guess I can't. Do not expect me to do anything for you if you can't stick to what you promised you'd do for me!



Damn! No Porcupine sex for me!

This week

Today is my Monday!
Super excited that by the time I go to bed on (my) Friday, Adam will be on a plane heading down here
And when I wake up on (my) Saturday, I get to head to the resort and I get to see him and spend a whole week with him in Disney World!!
It's going to be probably one of the best weeks of my life!
Only 5 more days till I see him !!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

6 Days

6 More Days till we're together !!!

Orange Juice

That awesome moment when you go to the fridge, thinking all you have in there to drink is a bottle of water, and find a bottle of orange juice!

Once Upon a Time

Just finished watching the episode of Once Upon a Time!
This show is intense!
For a happy, fairy time story, it's so awesome!
With twists and turns!
Oh my gosh! So loving it!
Now bring now an episode with Belle and the Beast !!!!
And his name better be Adam!
That's for true!

Once upon a Time

Watching Once upon a Time!!!
Excited cause everyone says that I'll love it <3
Looking forward to it!



Package in the mail for Jodey!!!
What could it be??




I just got a call from the front desk!
I have a package!
What could it be?


That awesome moment when there's almost no line at Wal-Mart,
when one item you buy said $0.79 on the shelf and then scans in at $0.20,
when the cute skirt you're getting has no tag, so the cashier gives it to you for free,
And then, that awesome moment when the bus is there waiting as soon as you walk out of the store!


Cockroach in my bathroom!
But don't worry!
I maned up and got rid of it!
So excited for my week out of this apartment!

Story of my Life


To Do

My Plans for Today

  • Clean Room
  • Go to Wal-Mart for lunches this week
  • Go through Suitcase for next week, hopefully lighten my load a little

Monday 24 September 2012


Long day of walking around
Now my legs are honestly KILLING ME!!
So much pain! Hurting so bad!
Going to maybe take an advil and lay in bed!
I was hoping to go to a park tomorrow.
Legs please get better


What movie should I watch tonight?

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Sis!
I hope you like your present, even though right now it's a million miles away!
I love you and miss you <3


Minus the fact that I didn't get my JAWS shirt today,
I had a blast and a half at Universal today!
Did almost every ride and got drenched on Popeye and Rip-Saw Falls!!


Went into the bathroom around 8:40 to shower and get ready for Universal today
When I got back, I opened my computer and the time read 8:49
... took a moment but then the clock re-set and it was actually 9:26
Jeez, thought I showered and got ready in a grand total of 9 minutes!
That would have been an awesome record!


Adam Arrives
-->7 Days
Moving in with Heather
-->20 Days 



The F***?!

Why the heck does it say on the hub that I'm working October 4 and 5???
When CDS says, no I have them as ADO's?
UGH! So confusing trying to schedule time off

Happy Birthday

Happy 21st Birthday Tay !!
I Love You and Miss you so much !!
Wishing you lots of Birthday Wishes from here in Disney !!
Have an AMAZING day and hope I get to see you again soon !!
Love from your baby sis 

Sunday 23 September 2012


Packing my suitcase for my week at Wilderness Lodge Cabins!
So excited and can't wait for you to be here!
I miss you so much and it's going to be such a perfect week!

One Week!

In one week, you'll be getting ready to head to the airport !!

Saturday 22 September 2012

Mickey Ears

Got my Canadian Mickey Ears!


How come I never get any mail =(
Hoping my address is right ...

New Pin



I'm going to be ....
Not a stupid Twilight one!
One from Underworld!

Law Suit

Zach: There's a fine line between looking at someones pins and a lawsuit


Who is Tracy and why is she in my laundry room??

Toilet Paper

My toilet paper has a bunny on it!


My six hour shift today went by super quick!
So looking forward to a relaxing evening night at home!
Plan on doing nothing but packing/blogging/skyping and watching movies!



Face Palm

This is the story of 2 Face Palms in less then 1 minute

Guest 1: Oh, look at this Duffy ! How Cute !
*Duffy Bear is wearing a Canadian lumberjack costume*
Guest 2: Awwe ! He's a Scotsman !

Guest 1: Anne of Green Gables! That's a very famous Canadian book!
Guest 2: It is! After reading it, I really want to go to Nova Scotia. See if it's really as beautiful as they say in the book.


Now that I for sure know I have the entire week off when Adam is here, I have gotten a lot more excited. It feels more real that soon he will be here with me =)


So sad I won't be there for my Big Sis' 21st Birthday!
I love you Tay Tay!! I miss you!!


I have FINALLY decided what I want to be for Halloween !!!


Learning the things people (who I thought were my friends) say behind my back


Schedule comes out tomorrow for the week Adam is here!
May the switching shifts and begging for ADO's begin!

Thursday 20 September 2012


Took me 4 shifts but I finally pulled tasking !!!
Hooray for not being in rotation !!!

Can not Wait

11 More Days till he's here!!
I have officially started packing!
Was hoping to get everything into one small suitcase and my duffel bag
Nope, didn't work out
Looks like I'm going to have to use a big suitcase


Day 2 of waking up to very shitty weather

Wednesday 19 September 2012


I have figured out what I'm going to be for Halloween !!!!
Either a Bride whose Groom left her at the alter
Or a Bride on the Titanic!


Wanna pack and organize for week with Adam/move
Roommates asleep
Don't want to wake her up


10:30 at night
Yeah, it's fine to invite a ton of people over who are louder then anything
Yeah, it's fine to me. Even though I work first thing in the morning and really need to get some sleep
So looking forward to my apartment with Heather!


I had a really good, relaxing weekend
now it's back to work. But that's ok
Cause coming up soon is my week off I'll be spending with Adam
I'm just hoping this week goes better then last week did
Planning on doing my best to avoid certain people who'll make it worse


Adam Arrives
-->12 Days
Moving in with Heather
-->25 Days 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Almost Here

Less then 2 weeks now!!!
EKKK I'm so excited for Adam to come down here to visit!!

No Food

What did I eat today?
A pretizel at the mall
and some popcorn...
that would explain the weird noises my tummy is making


When is the new Underworld movie coming out?
I want Michael back!!!!!

My Lame Life

Hanging out with Tigger
Watching Underworld!


Hoping my new apartment has a new dryer.
I had my clothes in for 3 dry cycles, and they are still damp!


Reservations made!!!!
Rainforest Cafe at Animal Kingdom
October 2

Hollywood  & Vine
October 6

Chef Mickey's
October 7

So excited!!! Thank you to the AMAZING cast member who assisted me on the phone while I made all these reservations and was very picky about everything but she was super helpful and super friendly!! So thank you!

Monday 17 September 2012


What's going to make me feel better after all this?

Trying so Hard

It's so hard for me to try and be here when you didn't listen to a single word I said

Please, enough

I have so much going on down here
I honestly sometimes feel like I have zero friends
And I am worried constantly about things
I can not deal with this right now
I can not be put in the middle of a situation where I have no idea what's going on
I'm sorry that I'm not there, but please, stop making me feel like I'm the rope in a tug a war
Honestly, I can not handle it right now!

Story of my Life



Lots of new autographs in my autograph book!!!
Rafiki, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Baloo, Brer Fox, Brer Bear and Pochahontas !!!
Such a great day at Animal Kingdom!!

Perry the Platypus

Yes, Perry the Platypus is Awesome, children!
No, children, Disney did not invent the Platypus. It is in fact a real animal!


My dryer didn't dry my clothes!

Sunday 16 September 2012

Oh Spiderman





Adam Arrives
-->15 Days
Moving in with Heather
-->28 Days 


I don't know what you girls did this morning
But the apartment is looking FINE!!!
So going to pass inspection!!!

Disney Movies

Just ordered 200 hundred dollars worth of Disney movies!!
So excited to get them in the mail!
Hoping they arrive before I move!

Not so Scary

I got my ticket to Mickey's not so Scary!!
Now to find a costume !!

My Lame Problems

The Good News: My Culottes used to be snug, they are now very big on me, which means I'm losing weight.
The Bad News: I really don't want to go to costuming and get a new pair

My Lame Problems

Stupid carrots in my soup!
Why are you so hard!
I don't like it!
You're in soup!
Calm the heck down!

Looking Up

After a very shitty week, I decided to ER and go home early so we weekend can begin
Get home, only to find out some of the greatest news ever since I've been here!
October 14th, moving in with my best girl Heather!!!!
Going to be so much freaking fun!!
I'm probably going to lose a ton and a half of sleep, but I don't care!
I'm so pumped and ready to move in with her!
Fern, Gini and Suzanne, I will miss you guys terribly though!
I hope to see you around though =)




Thank Gosh it's Friday
...wait no it's not, it's Sunday!
Today is MY Friday! Thank you very much


Another inspection on Tuesday!
What are my plans for after work today?
And going to bed early....
Have to up at 7 tomorrow

Friday 14 September 2012

1 Year

I can't believe that one year ago today, I woke up thinking it was just a normal day in my life
But one email and one 15 minute break later, that all changed
1 year ago today, I found out I was moving to Walt Disney World, and my countdown began
1 year ago today, I went for my break and I met Adam <3 And my whole world changed !!

Thursday 13 September 2012

So Mad

Wow. I can not believe you did that.
I am honestly so fricken' mad right now it's not even funny!
I thought you were a good friend and a good person
No, I was wrong.
I am so mad right now. All you think about is yourself
Were you trying to get me out of your life?
Well it worked
I'm gone!


Adam Arrives
-->17 Days


I got a lot of rest yesterday
Did nothing but lay in bed, napping and watching movies
Feeling a lot better
And heading into work today!
10 hour Shift, here I come !!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Room mate

Thanks Gini for all your help!!
Improving a hot water bottle to help my stomach
You're so sweet!!

So Sick

Feeling so sick right now
Stomach is hurting like crazy
Already threw up once
And feeling like I'm going to again anytime now
First time I have called in sick since I've been here
Hoping some rest will get me better and I can go into work tomorrow

Dear Canada Merch
I'm really sorry, I know because of this someone is going to have to extend until Midnight and I'm so sorry
I promise I'll bake you cookies or buy whoever extends a present to make up for this
I'm really sorry but I can't even walk around for more then a few minutes without feeling like I'm going to keel over
So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry

100 Days

100 Days of Disney World !!!
Going by so fast !!!

Tuesday 11 September 2012


I have come to the conclusion that the only reason I want to have a reception at my wedding is for 4 reasons

  1. Father/daughter dance
  2. Speeches
  3. Tossing the bouquet 
  4. First dance


From getting home from Magic Kingdom until now
I ...
Sat by the pool for an hour
Then sat in front of the TV making Adam's Anniversary present!
So excited that he's going to be here in less then 3 weeks now !!

Be Our Guest

Made myself a reservation for Be Our Guest !!!
January 15th at 4:35!!
Room for 4 !

Haunted Mansion Tour

Most amazing morning!!
Haunted Mansion Tour with my fellow Merchies!!!
Learned all the secrets, stories and tricks behind the ride!!
Absolutely Amazing!!!
I would like to thank manager Adam for setting it up, and Zach for taking us!! 


Sunday 9 September 2012

F***ing Drama

I've done nothing wrong!
I'm just trying to do a good job at work, make some friends and have a great time here at Walt Disney World
Feel like for some reason, before I came down, people made a pack with each other that that was not allowed to happen for me and they all have to work together to make me feel like shit all the time
No matter how great of a mood I will be in, everyone has to totally f*** it up and make me feel like total shit
I'm so sick of people like this
You can't just let me do 3 things. 1. Have fun at work and work hard. 2. Make friends and have a great time with them all. 3. Let me make memories of spending a year at the greatest place on earth.
No, 'F*** that' you all say! 'Make sure no matter what happens, let's put her in a bed mood and make her feel like shit even though she did nothing wrong'
It's F***ing working !


The fact that it's raining out really hard right now does not help my mood in the slightest

Day Off

Thank Goodness I have tomorrow off!!
After that, really just need a day to relax
really wish there was someone I could talk to about this
But I feel like everyone would be against me
feel like no one here would listen to my side of the story

Missing you

How I wish you were here right now
After seeing a scary movie last night, and having to deal with stupid drama and people trying to start stupid drama with me, I really need you
Even just talking to you about it last night helped a lot
and the only reason I  got any sleep last night was pretending you were here with me
I love you and miss you so much

The Possession

Saw The Possession last night!!
Such a good movie, it actually scared the heck out of me!
I was really impressed, since I haven't seen a good demon/possession movie in quite some time

Vista Way

Only a Disney Cast Member will understand the joy of not stopping at Vista Way

Saturday 8 September 2012

Lame Problems

Okay, so I need food!!
That is all!


New level of ruddiness yesterday at work
when it was raining and no one listened to a bloody word I said!!
No matter how many times I ask them, people continue to think it's ok to park themselves right in front of the door
Family thought, even though they were soaking wet, it would be fun to read books we have in the store.
Got those soaking wet
Common Courtesy People!!!!!


Backstage Haunted Mansion Tour
-->3 Days
Adam Arrives
-->23 Days

Friday 7 September 2012

Universal Studios

Dear Universal Studios
You fail!!
It's impossible that you have the shark from Jaws on display in your park
Chef Brody clearly blows him up in the movie!




Adam: Everyday, you keep reminding me why I fell in love with you

<3 I love you so much Adam !!!

I have Completed ...

I have finally finished all my shopping for presents for Adam and his family!!
Now I just need to get everything organized and ready to go for when he arrives!!
Plus I need to complete his Anniversary present!!
I can not wait for him to arrive!!
Only 24 more days!!

My Lame Problems

I honestly have no problem making my bed in the morning
It's when I come home tired and need to go to sleep and I have to unmake my bed
That's the problem

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Those were the good old days
When you opened a VHS movie
and it had been rewinded the entire way!


Backstage Haunted Mansion Tour
-->6 Days
Adam Arrives
-->26 Days

Shark Movie Night

Monday night I watched Jaws
Tuesday morning I watched Jaws 2
Tuesday night I watched Shark Night

Loving the Jaws movies
Shark Night was stupid and unreal

Say Yes to the Dress

One more episode of Say Yes to the Dress
Then it's off to work !

Time I have Left Here

3 Month Down!!
9 Months to Go!!

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Backstage Haunted Mansion Tour
-->7 Days
Adam Arrives
-->27 Days

Oh Spiderman


Adam got a blog

Adam got a blog too now! Check it out!


Thanks to Adam being BRILLIANT !!!
I can now post for pictures on my blog without paying !!!




Why does Ariel wear seashells?
Cause B-shells are too small and D-shells are too big!

Spy Kids

Spy Kids is on Disney Channel
Just doesn't feel the same without Nicole here with me

Lame Day in my Lame Life

It took me an entire movie to write in my journal
That's what I get for not writing in my journal for a week and a half!


I have 2 things I have to say after now watching the first 2 JAWS movies
1. Martin Brody is probably one of the bravest people ever. And is super smart
2. Someone needs to kick the mayor out of the town. Throw HIM to the sharks!


Now I'm watching Jaws 2!

Work Problems

Could someone please explain to me why I work until Midnight on Wednesday and then have to work at 11 in the morning the next day?

Rip Ride Rockit

That awkward moment when you go on Rip Ride Rockit
And get put in the 'Fat' seats

Me: Why aren't my feet touching the ground? We just went on this and my feet were touching the ground!

Monday 3 September 2012

Sillyness: Video form


Me: *Watching JAWS* The music is playing! That means something is going to happen!


Going to actually sit down and watch JAWS!!!!
Always wanted to see it, never watched the entire thing!
Can't wait!
I'm so sad they got rid of the JAWS ride at Universal!!
Looking forward to that all day and WAS NOT THERE!!!!!


Had so much fun at Universal Studios today!!!
Did almost every ride at Studios and The Harry Potter ride at Islands of Adventure!!!
Plus I got to be a villain on DISASTER !!!

Sad Story

So I just learned I can no longer post pictures on my blog until I buy more room!
FUCK !!!!
Anyone want to buy me 25 GB of room so I can post more blogs?
I'll love you forever


Off to Universal today!!!
So fricken excited!
Just now a matter of getting up out of bed and getting ready

Sunday 2 September 2012



Backstage Haunted Mansion Tour
-->9 Days
Adam Arrives
-->29 Days

Don't Stop Believin'

That awesome moment when Adam thinks I'm not watching on Skype
and he gets up and starts dancing to Journey

Work Problem

So starting tomorrow, I'm FINALLY back to my normal schedule of 5 days on and 2 days off work
It's been way to confusing the last few weeks
Monday 13- off
Tuesday 14- off
Wednesday 15- work
Thursday 16- work
Friday 17- work
Saturday 18- work
Sunday 19- work
Monday 20- work
Tuesday 21- off
Wednesday 22- work
Thursday 23- work
Friday 24- work
Saturday 25- off
Sunday 26- work
Monday 27- off
Tuesday 28- off
Wednesday 29- work
Thursday 30- work
Friday 31- off
Saturday 1- work
Sunday 2- work
Starting tomorrow I will finally be back to normal


Good-bye to two more Cast Members
Isabelle and Jason