Friday 6 January 2012

Prince Adam

Prince Adam
Jodey Asha Rayne
At a very young age, Prince Adam was given everything and anything he wanted. He lived in a beautiful white stone castle, protected with statues of angels. Gardens that grew only the rarest and most exotic plants from around the world. He had servants that tended to all his needs and he had to do nothing himself. Still, nothing was enough to keep the spoiled prince happy. He was bitter and extremely cruel to everyone. Behind his back, his servants would use simple names as ways to describe the way he treated everyone who lived in the castle. In front of him, they all referred to him as Prince Adam, but out of sight, they used a nickname to describe his selfish and unkind heart. That name was Beast.
It was a stormy Christmas Eve night when it happened.
“Bring me my presents,” Adam screamed at his servants while basking in his throne. 
One brave servant, Lumiere, approached the young prince bearing a small gift. He lowered himself on one knee. “Here, my lord, something from the workers and myself. We all believed it would bring you some pleasure and you would enjoy it. We do hope that you-“
Without letting Lumiere finish, Adam ripped the gift out of his servant’s hands and tore open the paper. He was disappointed to find a book under the gift wrap.
“A book? Some Christmas” he pouted, throwing the book half way across the hall and skulking in his chair. “Anything else?” Everyone hid their books behind their backs, afraid of receiving the same treatment as the poor book had.  
There was a loud knock at the door, causing Adam to stand up from his throne in anger. “Who disturbs my Christmas?” he bellowed, causing the windows to rattle more than they already were from the snow storm. He rushed from his place at the front of the hall to the huge front doors, pulling one open.
An old woman stood in front of him holding a simple red rose. She was covered in rags and snow and was shivering like she had been traveling in this weather for days. 
“Please,” she begged. “Take this rose in exchange for shelter from the bitter cold. I have nothing else to offer, but it’s so cold and I don’t think I can go on much longer.”
The young prince looked over the ugly old woman and scoffed. “I don’t need a rose. Get out of her you old hag.” Then he slammed the door in her face.
It wasn’t a moment after slamming the door that a brilliant green light shone from all lights of the castle, blinding Adam. The old woman’s ugliness melted away, revealing a beautiful enchantress. 
“You are a monstrous beast who could never love. Therefore, you shall live like one.” Adam’s pale hands turned hairy and grew claws. “Until you find someone to love who loves you too, you shall live your life like a beast.”
The enchantress disappeared, leaving Adam ugly and terrifying. He began to weep for he knew it was hopeless, for who could ever love a beast?    

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