Friday 17 June 2011

Oma & Opa

Yesterday, I went for a drive with my aunt and we were just planning on going out for dinner and then we kept driving and ended up going to look at the farm that once belonged to my Great-grandparents when they first moved to Canada. We pulled up on the driveway and the owner came out and offered to show us around!
The owners son got his parents, who were so happy we were there and literally took us for an hour and a half tour around the land. Showing us all the little buildings that were there when they got there that they hadn't torn down or anything. They still have up the chicken coop my Oma used to have and my Opa's old workshop!
I've never been there before but they haven't changed a lot since my Oma and Opa moved out which was twenty years ago!
It's so nice to see that a really good couple moved into it and kept it up and kept everything about it that my aunt used to love. Even the outhouse that they never use anymore. I'm so happy some rich couple didn't buy the land, tear down the house and build some fancy huge house. This way, I know my Oma and Opa are still there in spirit.

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